The S&P500 gained 105 points last week. My forecast this week was not incorrect.
Here is the expected breakdown for the week of January 27, 2025, to January 31, 2025.
The compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for Jan 26 – Jan 27 is Mars, which occupies the tenth house in the sign Cancer. Mars makes trine aspects with Rahu and Neptune occupying the sixth house. It also makes an opposite aspect with the Sun in the fourth house. Consequently, the market may be volatile but may end up going lower.
The compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for Jan 28 – Jan 31 is Rahu, which occupies the sixth house in the sign Pisces. It sits close to Neptune and makes a trine aspect with Mars in the tenth house. Rahu easily adopts the qualities of the signs and planets conjuncting or aspecting it. As a result, the market may go slightly higher during these days.
Transits during this week: Retrograde Jupiter remains in Gemini, causing volatility. Mars also turned retrograde three weeks ago and now transiting in its sign of fall, Cancer. It makes a trine aspect with exalted Venus. Now, Mars is no longer bad and it can only give good results. Saturn makes a square aspect with transiting Jupiter. This aspect is not favorable. Venus is transiting in Pisces, which is a favorable sign for it. And it makes a sextile aspect with Mercury. This situation is highly favorable. The Sun is advancing in Aquarius this week. Mercury is moving fast in the sign Capricorn, and it will enter Aquarius this week. Moon transits Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. The tithis of the Moon (Krishna Paksha thirteenth to Shukla Paksha third) correspond to the fourth and first quarters, which gives mixed results for the market.
Combining the transit and CVD techniques, I have estimated the stock market’s daily behavior to be the following. I also dare to give the probable change in the S&P500 in parentheses. This information should not be used for trading, as I could be 100% wrong.
Monday: Slightly higher (+30); Tuesday: Higher (+70); Wednesday: Lower (-60); Thursday: Slightly higher/Flat (+10); Friday: Slightly lower (-30).