July 22 – 26, 2024

The S&P500 lost 110 points last week. I was expecting a higher market. I missed the square aspects between Mercury and a combine of Mars and Uranus. 

Here is the expected breakdown for the week of  July 22, 2024 to July 26, 2024.

The compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for  July 20 – July 24 is Venus. Venus occupies thefirst house in the sign, Leo. It rules the third house and makes a sextile aspect with Jupiter occupying the 11th house. As a result, the market may go only slightly higher.

The compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for  July 25 is Sun. Sun rules the first house and occupies the 12th house in the sign, Cancer. It makes trine aspect with retrograde Neptune in the 8th. As a result, the market may go lower during this period.

The compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for  July 26 – July 28 is Moon. Moon occupies the sixth house in the sign, Capricorn. No planet aspects it. It, therefore, acts as a neutral planet. As a result, the market may remain flat during this period.

Transits during this week:  Jupiter is well established in the sign Gemini now while Uranus continues to transit through Taurus during this week. Rahu is transiting in Aries and Ketu in Libra. The Sun moves into Leo where Venus and Mercury are already transiting. Saturn and Neptune are well established in Pisces. However, both have turned retrograde now. Mars moves over to Gemini, a sign of its dislike. The Moon moves in Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries, and through the 2nd Tithi of the dark half to the 6th Tithi of the dark half. The Moon gives bad results in these signs and in the third quarter. The Moon and the Sun do not form good yogas during this week.  Combining the transit and CVD techniques, the following is my estimate of the daily behavior of the stock market.

Monday: Slightly lower; Tuesday: Lower;   Wednesday:Lower;   Thursday: Slightly lower;   Friday: Higher

Overall, the S&P500 may go Lower during this week.

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