The S&P500 lost 15 points last week. I was expecting a higher market. My daily forecast this week was better.
Here is the expected breakdown for the week of February 10, 2025, to February 14, 2025.
The compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for Feb 10 – Feb 14 is Mercury, which occupies the fourth house in the sign Capricorn. Mercury makes trine aspects with the Moon occupying the twelfth house. It also makes sextile aspects with Venus and Saturn in the sixth house. As a result, the market may go slightly higher.
The compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for Feb 15 – Feb 16 is Ketu, which occupies the twelfth house in the sign Virgo. It makes a trine aspect with the Sun in the fourth house. Uranus also has a trine aspect with Ketu. As a result, the market may go slightly higher during these days.
Transits during this week: The Sun transits in Aquarius, making a square aspect with Uranus, which is not good for the markets. On Monday, the Moon in the sign Cancer makes a trine aspected with Neptune and a sextile aspect with Uranus. It may produce slightly positive results for the stock market, but Sun’s negativity can keep the markets lower. On Tuesday, Mars makes a trine aspect with Saturn and a sextile aspect with Uranus. As a result, Tuesday may be a flat day for the markets because Mars has fallen and is retrograded. Mercury conjuncts the Sun, which makes it combust and weak. It also makes a square aspect with Uranus. Wednesday may, therefore, be a lower day. Jupiter, in the sign Gemini, makes a square aspect with Saturn and Moon. Thursday may, therefore, be a lower day too. Venus makes no aspect with any other planet on Friday, but Venus is exalted. Friday, therefore, may be a good day, too. The planet Saturn makes a trine aspect with Mars and sextile with Uranus. The positive effect of Saturn can help the market to end higher on Friday.
Combining the transit and CVD techniques, I have estimated the stock market’s daily behavior to be the following. I also dare to give the probable change in the S&P500 in parentheses. This information should not be used for trading, as I could be quite wrong.
Monday: Lower (-60); Tuesday: Slightly higher (+10); Wednesday: Lower (-70); Thursday: Lower (-70); Friday: Higher (+60).