March 03 – 07, 2025

The S&P500 lost 60 points last week. I was also expecting a lower market. My daily forecast this week was better.  

Here is the expected breakdown for the week of March 03, 2025, to March 07, 2025

The compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for  March 01 – March 04 is Saturn, which occupies the ninth house in the sign Pisces. It makes a square aspect with Jupiter in the twelfth house. It also has a sextile aspect with weak Mars. As a result, the market may go lower on these days. 

Mercury is the compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for  March 05 – March 08, occupying the ninth house in the sign Pisces. Mercury makes no close aspect with any planet. It will, therefore, project the effects of its sign ruler, Jupiter. As a result, the market may remain flat during these days.

Transits during this week: The Sun transits in Pisces, making a square aspect with Jupiter, which is not favorable for the overnight futures markets. On Monday, the Moon in the sign Taurus makes a conjunct aspect with Uranus and a sextile aspect with weak Mars. It may produce slightly positive results for the stock market. On Tuesday, Mars makes a trine aspect with Saturn and the Sun. Mars is no longer retrograde now. As a result, Tuesday may be a slightly good day for the markets. Mercury moved into the sign Aries last week, leaving behind its sign of fall, Pisces. It is also not conjuncting Saturn anymore. But it is still very close to Neptune. Wednesday may, therefore, be a flat day. In the sign Gemini, Jupiter makes a square aspect with the Sun. Moon crosses Jupiter on Thursday. Jupiter also makes a sextile aspect, with Venus occupying the sign Aries. Thursday may, therefore, be a higher day. Venus has become retrograde now, and it makes a sextile aspect with Jupiter on Friday. Friday, therefore, may be another higher day. The planet Saturn makes a trine aspect with Mars and sextile with Uranus. But is now getting close to the Sun. Saturn’s neutral effect may not help the market to make any difference on Friday. 

 Combining the transit and CVD techniques, I have estimated the stock market’s daily behavior to be the following. 

Monday: Slightly higher; Tuesday: Slightly higher;  Wednesday: Flat;   Thursday: Higher;   Friday:  Higher. 

Overall, the S&P500 may go Higher this week.

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