March 17 – 21, 2025

The S&P500 lost 131 points last week. I was expecting a slightly higher market. My daily forecast this week was off too.  

Here is the expected breakdown for the week of March 17, 2025, to March 21, 2025

A new monthly solar return chart is applicable from March 17 and will stay effective until April 15, 2025. The month lord is the Moon, which occupies the 5th house in the sign Scorpio. It rules the first house and makes no aspect with any planet. This is a negative feature. Mars, the critical planet, is situated in the first house. Mars is no longer retrograde, but it is in the fallen sign, Cancer. Mars makes a trine aspect with Saturn and the Sun occupying the Pisces sign. This setup is favorable. Jupiter occupies the 12th house and makes a square aspect with Saturn and a sextile aspect with Mercury. This is also a neutral setup. Combining all of the above, I see a predominance of both negative and positive features. This month, therefore, looks only sideways or slightly bearish to me.

Rahu is the compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for  March 16 – March 20, which occupies the ninth house in the sign Pisces. It conjuncts the Sun and Neptune. It makes a trine aspect with Mars in the first house and a sextile aspect with Uranus. As a result, the market may go higher on these days. 

Jupiter is the compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for  March 21 – March 24, occupying the tenth house in the sign Aries. Jupiter occupies the twelfth house and makes sextile aspects with Mercury and Venus.  The stock market,  therefore, may go higher during these days. 

Transits during this week: The Sun transits in Pisces, and it is getting very close to Rahu, which is unfavorable for markets the entire week. On Monday, the Moon in the sign Scorpio makes no close aspect with any planet. It may produce positive results for the stock market. On Tuesday, Mars makes a grand trine aspect with Saturn and the Moon. Both Mars and Moon are weak. As a result, Tuesday may be a slightly higher day for the markets. Retrograde Mercury is transiting in Aries and is getting very close to retrograde Venus. Wednesday may, therefore, be a positive day. In the sign Gemini, Jupiter makes sextile aspects, with Mercury and Venus occupying the sign Aries. Moon aspects it from the sign Gemini. Thursday may, therefore, be a higher day. Retrograde Venus gets very close to Mercury this week. It is also getting close to the Sun, which makes it combust. Friday may only be a flat day. The planet Saturn is no longer combust this week. Saturn’s positive effect may help the market to make a positive difference on Friday. 

 Combining the transit and CVD techniques, I have estimated the stock market’s daily behavior to be the following. 

Monday: Slightly higher; Tuesday: Slightly higher;  Wednesday: Higher;   Thursday: Slightly higher;   Friday:  Flat. 

Overall, the S&P500 may go Higher this week.

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