Oct 21 – 25, 2024

The S&P500 gained 49 points last week. I was also expecting a flat/slightly higher market. The daily forecast could have been better. 

Here is the expected breakdown for the week of  October 21, 2024, to October 25, 2024

A new monthly solar return chart is applicable from October 20 and will stay effective until November 17. The month lord is Jupiter, which occupies the 11th house in the sign Gemini along with the Moon. Jupiter gives good results in this house. It makes trine aspects with the Sun in the third house. As a result, it may give highly desirable results. Mars occupies the twelfth house in the sign Cancer, which is not a desirable setup. However, it makes trine aspects with Neptune and a square aspect with the fallen Sun in the third house. It can, therefore, only be regarded as slightly negative. Saturn is retrograde and occupies the eighth house. It can, therefore, only give inauspicious results. Moon occupies the eleventh house in the sign Gemini and gets the aspect of Venus in the fifth house. This is a positive feature. Combining all of the above, I see positive features dominating negative features. This month, therefore, looks only good to me.

The compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for  Oct 20 – Oct 21 is the Moon. Moon rules the 12th house and occupies the 11th house in the Gemini sign.  This setup may be regarded as positive. However, the Moon gets the aspect of Venus. Both planets are beneficial planets. As a result, the market may go higher during this period.

The compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for  Oct 22 – Oct 23 is Mars, which rules the 9th house and occupies the 12th house. Mars is fallen and makes a square aspect with the fallen Sun in the third house. It also makes a trine aspect with Neptune. Consequently, the market may go slightly lower during these days

The next CVD planet is Rahu, and it acts from Oct 20 – Oct 21. Rahu occupies the 9th house in the Aries sign.  It makes trine aspects with Venus and sextile aspects with the Moon in the eleventh house. Both Moon and Venus are benefic planets. As a result, the market may go higher during this period.

Transits during this week:  Jupiter has now turned retrograde on October 08. Uranus continues to transit through Taurus this week and has also been retrograded. Rahu is transiting in Aries and Ketu in Libra. The Sun will advance into Scorpio this week. Venus has been transiting in Sagittarius since October 18, which is not a very harmonious sign for Venus. Mercury has turned direct and moved into Scorpio since Oct 14. Saturn and Neptune are well established in Pisces. However, both have turned retrograde now. Retrogradation of four planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus, is not a welcome feature. Mars remains in Cancer, the sign of its fall. It is now making trine aspects with Mercury and retrograde Neptune. Moon transits Gemini, Cancer, and Leo, making contact with Jupiter and Mars. However, a grand trine between Mercury, Saturn, and Moon can help the market.

 Combining the transit and CVD techniques, I have estimated the stock market’s daily behavior to be the following. 

Monday: Slightly higher; Tuesday: Slightly higher;   Wednesday: Slightly higher;   Thursday: Flat;   Friday: Flat. 

Overall, the S&P500 may go Slightly higher this week.

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