Ten best stocks for 2024
The year 2023 turned out to be much better than most forecasters expected before the year started. This is particularly true for a few mega-cap technology stocks. Of the ten stocks I selected for 2023, three produced excellent results, three generated poor, and others were mediocre. The list, although, beat the S&P500. Here is the performance of individual stocks.

However, the second list of 10 stocks did much better. Here is the performance.

The stocks were selected based on the strength of the major dasha planet in the 60-year cycle, known as Shashti-hayini Dasha. To produce better results, I have modified the selection rules further to select the best stocks. I analyzed 250 charts of the most active stocks individually to select the following ten for the first quarter of 2024. I will analyze these stocks again after the first quarter to see if any one of them needs to be replaced. Please do your own analysis before buying them.
Align Technologies, Inc (ALGN). Period of Su/Sa. Both Sun and Saturn are strong in the chart. Saturn is aspected by strong Mars. The period changes in May. So if it does not advance till the end of the second quarter, switch to Qualcomm (QCOM), for which an excellent period starts in June.
Applovian Corp (APP). The period Su/Ma started in Feb 2023 and has produced excellent results so far. This period would end in Oct 2024. I will replace this stock in the third quarter of 2024.
Biomarin Pharmaceuticals (BMRN). Biotechs have not done well in 2023. This is my choice for 2024 as the running period is Ju/Me, and Mercury is strong and in conjunction with Sun.
Enphase Energy (ENPH). Running period Ma/Ju was not good. The next period, Ma/Su, which starts in Feb 2024, should be good as Sun is strong.
JD.Com (JD). Chinese stocks are out of favor now. The period of Ju/Mo goes on until Aug 2024. Since Jupiter aspects Moon, I hope the market will support this stock now.
Lennar Corp (LEN). The period of Ve/Ju is until Aug 2023. Both planets are strong and aspect each other. The next sub-period, which runs for another year, is also good.
Master Card, Inc (MA). Ma/Me period. Mars is strong, and Mercury has a company of strong Sun. The next sub-period of Venus is also good. Maybe it is also a stock to hold for a few years.
Nvidia Corp (NVDA). The Ma/Me period is going on until August 2024. Mars is very strong in this chart. It aspects Mercury. So Ma/Me is good. The period after that may not be good. I will, therefore, reevaluate this chart after the second quarter of 2024.
Riot Platforms (RIOT). Period of Sa/Ma and Sa/Mo. Mars and Saturn planets are strong. Both planets form a conjunction relationship. The minor periods change in April and November. I expect all periods to be good.
Sentinnel One Inc (S). Period of Ra/Sa. Saturn is strong in the chart. Both Rahu and Saturn make a trine relationship. A major period of Jupiter starts in November 2024. It may prove to be a good stock for the long term.
Here is an alternate list of ten stocks, with slightly different astrological approach. Let us see if this technique gives better results.
Please Note: These lists were uploaded on Dec 10,2023.
As usual, please note that I do not recommend anybody to buy or sell any of the stocks based on my Astrological ideas. Viewers should do their own research and diligence.
Quarterly Review of ten best 2023
Here is a review of these stocks for the first, second and third quarter. On average they outperformed S&P500 by a wide margin.

Ten best stocks for 2023
Although I expect a tumultuous 2023, I am presenting here the ten best stocks for 2023. I know my list for 2022 did not do good. The reason is that it is tough to see which sectors will prevail or emerge throughout the year. And after the market’s direction, the sector’s direction is the most crucial thing in determining the performance of a stock. For this reason, I have decided to review this list every quarter and suggest changes if necessary. I have worked hard to find a list for 2023 from my data of IPO date charts of more than 500 stocks. Most stocks have reasonable Shashti-Hayini periods and good transits over the natal planets. Hopefully, I will do better this time. Please do your due diligence and proper research before buying anyone on the list. Even if you decide to buy, buy only after some correction and sell if they fall below the 50-day moving average. Here is the list with some astrological explanations.
Tradeweb Markets (TW). Period of Jupiter/Sun. Both planets strong in the natal chart. Transit Jupiter aspects both of them.
TransMedics Group (TMDX). Periods of Jupiter/Sun and Jupiter/Mars. Jupiter is strong in the natal chart. Sun and Mars also have reasonable strength. Trransiting Jupiter influences many planets including the major and sub-period planets.
Edwards Life sciences (EW). Periods of Jup/Ven and Jup/Sat. Jupiter forms relationships with both Venus and Saturn. Transit Jupiter moves over exalted Sun in the first house.
Gilead Sciences (GILD). Period of Jup/Sun. Jupiter transits in Taurus in the second half of 2023. It will then influence many natal planets.
Super Microcomputer (SMCI). Periods of Ven/Ven and Ven/Saturn. Venus strong in the 3rd house. Jupiter influences over strong Sun, Jupiter, Moon and Saturn. The first two planets are quite strong.
Lumentum Holdings (LITE). Periods of Jupiter/Moon and Jupiter/Mercury. Jupiter influences both sub-period planets in the natal chart. Transiting Jupiter influences all of them
Alibaba Group (BABA). Period of Moon/Moon and Moon/Mercury. Moon connucts Jupiter in the natal chart. Transiting Jupiter aspects both of them.
Allegro Microsystems (ALGM). Period of Jupiter/Jupiter. Jupiter is in Capricorn along with Saturn. Transit Jupiter influences natal Moon, Mars, Venus and Mercury. The last two planets are strong, as they are in their Mool-trikona signs.
Paccar (PCAR). Periods of Mars/Jupiter and Mars/Sun. Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Sagittarius. Transit of Jupiter in Aries aspects both of these planets.
Rio Tinto (RIO). Periods of Jupiter/Sun and Jupiter/Mars. Jupiter and Mars strong. Transiting Jupiter aspects all of the major and minor period planets.
Other charts that show similar astrological configurations are CME, FUBO, MOMO, COST, AVGO, JBL, TOST, GS, AEHR and MELI.
U.S. Stock Market in 2022
The stock market has seen great turmoil in 2022. The trouble can easily be seen from the planetary configurations that have formed in 2022, most notably the transit of Ketu (Moon’s south node) in Scorpio and Rahu (Moon;s north node) in Taurus on January 19. Saturn is in Aquarius, and aspects Ketu in Scorpio by its 10th house aspect. Or, we can also say that Saturn forms a challenging square aspect with Rahu and Ketu. When Moon comes to Scorpio every month, it is weak because it is fallen. Here it conjuncts a malefic planet, Ketu, and receives the aspect of another malefic Saturn. Moon is, therefore, weak and doubly afflicted during its transit in Scorpio. I have observed this to create a low point in the US stock market. When Moon leaves Scorpio, it starts recovering its strength. It continues to gain strength until it comes to Taurus, its sign of exaltation. In Taurus, it conjuncts Uranus and Rahu, two stimulating planets. Thus market recovers until Moon crosses from Taurus to Gemini. Then, the strength of the Moon starts decreasing again.
The sell signal comes when Moon moves out of the most robust state, and the buy signal comes when it crosses its weakest state. The Moon’s transition dates from Taurus to Gemini and Scorpio to Sagittarius are recorded in the following table, along with the corresponding S&P values.
Moon transits |
dates |
Signal |
S&P |
Right/Wrong |
Ta to Ge |
1/13 |
Sell |
4645 |
Sc to Sg |
1/27 |
Buy |
4313 |
Right |
Ta to Ge |
2/9 |
Sell |
4575 |
Right |
Sc to Sg |
2/24 |
Buy |
4228 |
Right |
Ta to Ge |
3/8 |
Sell |
4162 |
Wrong, #1 |
Sc to Sg |
3/22 |
Buy |
4496 |
Wrong, #2 |
Ta to Ge |
4/4 |
Sell |
4548 |
Right |
Sc to Sg |
4/19 |
Buy |
4450 |
Right |
Ta to Ge |
5/3 |
Sell |
4120 |
Wrong, #3 |
Sc to Sg |
5/17 |
Buy |
4080 |
Right |
Ta to Ge |
5/30 |
Sell |
4120 |
Right |
Sc to Sg |
6/13 |
Buy |
3750 |
Wrong, #4 |
Ta to Ge |
6/26 |
Sell |
3912 |
Sc to Sg |
7/10 |
Buy |
3850 |
Ta to Ge |
7/23 |
Sell |
3960 |
One can see that this consideration alone gives good results, but it fails four times. However, one gets better results if one considers aspects of other planets on the Moon during its journey from weakest level to most robust, and vice versa. Here is how I explain these discrepancies.
#1. Between 2/24 to 3/8, Moon in Taurus forms a square aspect with four planets, Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Mercury in Aquarius on 3/7 and 3/8. As a result, the S&P suffers losses and falls from 4228 to 4162 despite being on the Buy signal.
#2. Between 3/8 to 3/22, Moon in Cancer forms a trine aspect with four planets, Mercury, Jupiter, Sun, And Neptune in Pisces on 3/12 and 3/13. The market, therefore, moved from 4162 to 4496 in spite of being on a Sell signal.
#3. Between 4/19 and 5/3, S&P was on a buy signal but fell from 4450 to 4120. Moon was in Aquarius, conjunct Saturn, and square to Uranus, Rahu, and Mercury in Taurus around 4/24 and 4/25.
#4. While Moon was in Scorpio, it was opposite to four planets, Sun, Uranus, Mercury, and Venus in Taurus. The dates were 6/11 and 6/12.
Thus by combining the transiting dates of the Moon when it leaves Taurus or Scorpio and looking at the aspects Moon makes with other planets on any day during the fortnight, one can make a relatively good guess of the biweekly direction of the market. This situation has come up because Ketu occupies Scorpio and Saturn Aquarius these days.
In the second table, I added a second factor that deals with the aspects Moon makes during the up or down cycle. The market can go down if it makes square aspects with four or more planets in any sign. On the other hand, if it makes a trine aspect with four or more planets during the up or down cycle, it pushes the indexes higher.
Moon transits |
date |
Signal 1 |
Aspects to Moon, dates |
Signal 2 |
Net Signal, S&P500 |
Ta to Sg |
6/26 |
Sell |
sq Ur, Ra, Ke 7/3 |
no |
Sell, 3912 |
Sc to Sg |
7/10 |
Buy |
cnj Sa, sq Ma,Ur,Ra 7/15 |
Sell |
Flat/Mixed, 3850 |
Ta to Ge |
7/23 |
Sell |
cnj Su, Me, sq Ma, Ur, Ra 7/28
Grand sq Mo, Su, Ma, Ur, Ra, SaR 8/6 |
Sell |
Strong sell, 3962 |
Sc to Sg |
8/7 |
Buy |
trn Ma, Ur, Ra, Me 8/10 |
Buy |
Strong buy, 4145 |
Ta to Ge |
8/20 |
Sell |
cnj Ve, opp Sa, t Ur, Ra 8/26 |
no |
Sell, 4237 |
Sc to Sg |
9/3 |
Buy |
trn Ur, Ra, Su, Ve 9/6 |
Buy |
Strong buy, 3924 |
Other factors may also be included to improve the results. For example, the market goes higher when Moon transits over Jupiter in Aries, and when Moon transits over Saturn in Aquarius, the market goes lower. The market also behaves slightly better when Moon is in Cancer.
Please note that if the sign of the Moon changes on Saturday, its effect is seen on Friday; if on Sunday, it is seen on Monday.
I believe one can use this model to predict the market’s direction reasonably well as long as Ketu stays in Scorpio and Saturn in Aquarius. That date is 3/8/2023 when Saturn moves to Pisces. Ketu moves to Libra on 7/17/2023. We may not get reliable results from this model after 3/8/2023, as Moon may be weak in Scorpio but not afflicted by two malefic planets. Let us see how this works out. I will keep on updating this table as time goes by.
Please note that the S&P vlaues given in BLUE are the values entered after this article was posted. The future dates for the cycle are: September 3 (upcycle starts), September 16 (downcycle), September 30 (upcycle), October 13 (downcycle) and October 28 (upcycle). As mentioned above, one cannot use this information only to forecast the direction of the market. One should also look at the influence of other planetary aspects on the Moon. However, the influence of the cycle may start diminishing after October because the distance between Saturn and Ketu exceeds the orb of 5 degrees. Another point to note is that Saturn becomes direct on October 23. It therefore becomes less malefic henceforth.
One may also look at the page “Early Warning” on this website to understand the investment environment we are in at present.
Disclaimer: This is only my astrological study. It is not a recommendation to buy or sell any stock or indices.
Good Stocks for 2022 (November 28, 2021)
Every year I give a list of 10 socks for the coming year. The list of 2021 could not produce the gains of 2020. It has mixed results. Some were very good, some very bad. Here is the performance in %. The return on SPY was 26%. In the future, I will be reviewing the list at the end of every quarter and pruning if the analysis of any stock turns out to be wrong.
Symbol |
BA |
Average |
% gain |
1 |
48 |
40 |
94 |
-46 |
-48 |
54 |
60 |
-53 |
-83 |
6.7 |
As a result, I improved upon my astrological methodology to find stocks for the whole year. Instead of looking at the planetary periods, I have focused more on the transits of beneficial planets on the crucial houses of the IPO-date charts. Jupiter will be transiting Pisces and Aries in 2022, while Mars from Capricorn to Gemini. Saturn will stay in Aquarius while Rahu and Ketu move to Taurus and Scorpio. I have also decided not to include a low-price stock to improve the results, as I had a bad experience with MNK and CALA. So here is my list for 2022 after scanning more than 500 stocks in my database. Please note, I am not recommending anybody to buy them. Even if anybody still wants to buy them, he should assume the full responsibility of owning them. I would also suggest that one should not rush to buy them now, as the stock market can correct. I would also suggest while buying, buy all of them, not just one or two.
Here is the list:
COUP (Coupa Software). It is a software company. I think this sector will do good in 2022. Transiting Jupiter aspects tenth and eleventh houses of the chart.
OKTA (Okta Inc.). Saturn transits over the eleventh house. Saturn is robust in the natal chart as well as in the transit. This setup can therefore generate a slow and steady gain in the stock.
TXN (Texas Instruments Inc). This company is a very old company. I think semiconductors can do good in addition to the software companies. The transiting Jupiter aspects all of the strong houses of the chart.
XLNX (Xilinx Inc). It has already gained a lot in 2021, which can continue due to the transit of strong Mars in transit over the similar strong position of Mars in the natal chart.
AVLR (Avalara). Almost all planets have some strength in the astrology chart. The transit of Jupiter over the strong natal planets can result in a good year for Avalara.
GM (General Motors). Transit of Jupiter over natal Jupiter can give produce good results for this very old auto company. Similar transit of Venus, the significator of the auto industry, can also be helpful.
IRTC (iRythm Technologies). Both Jupiter and Mars are strong in the natal chart, and they will also be strong in transit. I, therefore, expect it to give good returns in 2022.
MQ (Marqeta Inc). This stock is relatively new. However, its IPO-day astrology chart is excellent. The transits of planets in 2022 are also good.
NVTA (Invitae Corp). Transit of Strong Jupiter over the second and third house during 2022 can help this medical genetic company.
SEAS (Seaworld Entertainment, Inc) is my choice in the entertainment industry. Transit of Saturn in the tenth and Jupiter in the eleventh house can give good results.
As usual, please note that I do not recommend anybody to buy or sell any of the stocks based on my Astrological ideas. Viewers should do their own research and diligence.
Good Stocks for 2021 (November 30, 2020)
My list of 10 stocks for 2020 did exceptionally well. The list was given December 1, 2019, and today it is almost one year. Here is the performance in %. The return on SPY was 19%.
Symbol |
FB |
Average |
% gain |
40 |
9 |
543 |
116 |
-37 |
80 |
19 |
-67 |
-1 |
-17 |
68.5 |
I am also giving a list of 10 stocks for 2021 following similar, rather better or improved methodology. Last year I considered the favorable transit of Jupiter on the IPO date charts of the stocks. This year I am also considering favorable planetary periods in those charts. I provided this list to my daily e-mail subscribers about 2 weeks ago. Some of the stocks have already advanced significantly. I would therefore advise to wait for some correction to take place before buying them. Here is the list:
Boeing Co., (BA): Favorable period of Saturn just started. Transit Jupiter would aspect almost all planets of the natal chart including Jupiter. One can therefore expect good return from Boeing in 2021.
Brookfield Asset Management, (BAM): Major period of Mars in Scorpio is running, and transiting Jupiter aspects strong natal Sun, and Venus and Jupiter. I believe 2021 should be a better year for the stock.
Adobe Systems, (ADBE): This is an evergreen stock. It is going through a major period of Sun in Leo. Transiting Jupiter influences it and strong Venus during 2021.
Etsy Inc., (ETSY): Both major (Jupiter) and minor (Sun) period planets establish relationship in the chart. Transiting Jupiter influences three planets.
Growgeneration Corp, (GRWG): Both major and minor planets are strong. It has already doubled in two weeks. One should therefore wait for some correction.
Alibaba Holdings (BABA): The major and minor period planets are not very strong. But transiting Jupiter influences four planets. If one wants to avoid Chinese stocks, he can replace it with Pinterest Inc, (PINS).
Horizon Therapeutics, (HZNP): Its minor planet is strong Sun, and transiting Jupiter aspects it and many other planets.
United Microelectronics Corp (UMC): This one has also more than doubled in two weeks. Transiting Jupiter would influence almost every planet in the chart. The major and minor period planets are very strong.
Jumia Technologies, (JMIA): Another one that has shot up to elevated levels already. Major period of strong Mars has just started. It can give good results in the long run.
Calithera Biosciences, (CALA): This is purely a speculative biotech stock. Transiting Jupiter aspects five planets including natal Venus and Jupiter. Major and minor period planets are in a relationship.
Good Stocks for 2020 (December 01, 2019)
I have been giving a list of 10 stocks for the year ahead to invest. This list handily beat SP500 for so many years. Unfortunately this list did not produce encouraging results in the year (2018) due to sudden correction in the market in October 2018. I therefore did not give the list of stocks for 2019. After careful analysis and reevalation of my methods, I now intend to resume my practice of giving a list of ten stocks for 2020.
The selection below is based on the transit of Jupiter influencing the natal planets of the First Trade Chart. Since Jupiter is weak this year, one cannot expect spectacular gains, but the correct choice of stocks and good timing technique can produces reasonable gains.
Facebook, (FB): Transiting Jupiter would aspect 5 planets during the year 2020, including friends Moon, Mars ans Sun. This stock is therefore at the top of my list.
Biogen, (BIIB): Here also transiting Jupiter is aspecting natal Moon, jupiter and Sun. I therefore believe this stock would do good in 2020.
Extra Space Storage, (EXR): This is a Real Estate Investment Trust, paying about 3.5% dividend. Transiting Jupiter aspects 6 planets.
Enphase Energy, (ENPH): This is a solar stock and has a strong Moon in the astro-chart. It therefore moves in a very cyclical pattern. I think the transit of Jupiter aspecting strong natal Moon and Venus can produce good uptrend in prices.
Exelon Corp, (EXC): Although the natal planets in the astro-chart of this company are not as strong as in FB or ENPH, yet the transit of Jupiter influencing almost every natal planet can produce good results.
WIX.com, (WIX): Transiting Jupiter moves over Venus and aspects Mars and Jupiter. This therefore can give better results than many stocks.
Valero Energy (VLO): Energy stocks have been lagging for a few years. From astrology point of view, this stock has the best chart. Transiting Jupiter aspects exalted natal Moon.
Amazon.com (AMZN): The transiting Jupiter aspects 5 natal planets including friends Sun, Moon and Mars. I can therefore can expect good gains from Amazon this year.
Starbux Corp (SBUX): This is my all time favorite stock. The transit Jupiter touches many natal planets. I hope this gives me good results in 2020.
Mallinckrodt, plc (MNK): This stock has been beaten down to unimaginable level due to attack of the short sellers. The transiting planets indicate that this stock could recover to produce some respectable results. SOLD at $1.50 in September. Please read the blog “Notable Stocks Now”
As usual, please note that I do not recommend anybody to buy or sell any of the stocks based on my Astrological ideas. Viewers should do their own research and diligence.
Update (04/19/2020)
US stock market has undergone severe correction during the period February 21 to March 24, 2020. A lot of people who followed my website avoided big losses in their portfolios. The market has also undergone a sharp recovery during March 25 to April 18. Honestly, I was not expecting this kind of quick recovery. It forced me to re-analyze my work. I now think that some kind of volatility can continue from month to month. For example, May can be good but June, July, etc may be good or bad. (For more recent assessment, please see the monthly prediction sidebar).
One therefore needs to be very careful in this market while investing.
As usual, these are my calculations. I have been wrong earlier also, and I could be wrong this time also. So, please make your own decisions before acting on my reseach. I would also keep on updating my viewers if I see things differently.
Good Luck
Early Warning (10/27/2019)
Recently I have focused all my attention on monthly predictions. On this page I have indicated that the month (Oct 23 – Nov 21) is expected to be slightly good and the month (Nov 22 – Dec 21) to be slightly bad. At this moment I am not very sure about the next month (Dec 22, 2019- Jan 19, 2020). It could be an excellent month giving Santa Claus rally. But there is a possibility of this being a bad month. I will clear this dilemma before Dec 15. After looking at the behaviour of Saturn-Jupiter combination for the last few days, I now think that this may be a good combination. This period may therefore produce positive gains for the stock market in USA. (This correction is made on Dec 15)
However, I am writing this special message to warn about the next two months (Jan 20 – Mar 18, 2020). There is a good possibility that this period could be a difficult period, especially the first month. I do not expect a V-shaped recovery this time. The market may remain sideways for quite a few months after this. A good recovery may only be seen in the later part of 2020.
These are my calculations. I have been wrong earlier also, and I could be wrong this time also. But I decided to put this warning on the front page so that my esteemed viewers can take necessary steps. I would also keep on updating my viewers if I see things differently.
Happy Diwali
Market Recovery (November 18, 2018)
After a very severe and quick correction last month, the obvious question now is that when would the U.S. stock market recover. It is my opinion now that the market would stay in the range until Dec 18, 2018, but may not drop further. The period between 12/19/2018 and 02/05/2019 hopefully would give us a strong relief rally.
Archive of the page: Good Stocks Now- Dislisted on 7/9/2020 & replaced with Notable Stocks Now
5-Star and 4-Star Stocks- List Updated August 11, 2019
There are thousands of stocks. It is not humanly possible to study astro-charts of all of them to find the best few. I have therefore studied about 500 stocks, which are either the leading stocks of present time or recently IPO’d and show good promise in near future.
If a stock-chart is good in every respect such as running a good period, having good planetary strength, etc., I call it a 5-star stock. If it is slightly weak in one respect or other, I call it a 4-star stock. I do not consider any stock-chart, which is less than 4-star chart. Here is my present list of 5- and 4-star charts. New additions are highlighted in BLUE.
Growth Stocks:
Among the well-established companies, the good growth stocks are:
5-star: Apple Co (AAPL), Amzon (AMZN), Priceline (PCLN), Monster Beverages (MNST), Starbux (SBUX), Netease (NTES), F-Five (FFIV), Home Depot (HD), Berkshire (BRKB), Boeing (BA), IBM (IBM), Caterpillar (CAT), United Technology (UTX), Minnesota Mining (MMM), Texas Instr (TXN), Dollar Tree (DLTR), Panera (PNRA), JPMorgan (JPM), T-Row Price (TROW), Alexion (ALXN), Regeneron Pharma (REGN), Amgen (AMGN), Edward Life Sciences (EW), United Healthcare (UNH), Isis Pharmaceuticals (ISIS) etc.
4-star: Chipotle (CMG), Baidu (BIDU), Autozone (AZO), Lululemon (LULU), Biogen (BIIB), Netsuite (N), Qualcomm (QCOM), Intuitive Surgical (ISRG), Buffalo Wild (BWLD), Ross Stores (ROST), Spirit Aerospace (SPR), Dollar General (DG), Celgene (CELG), Gilead Pharma (GILD), etc.
Among the relatively new companies, the good stocks are:
5-star: Netflix (NFLX), Beacon Roofing (BECN), Palo Alto Network (PANW), Tesla Motors (TSLA), Facebook (FB), Trip Advisor (TRIP), Arista Network (ANET), JD.COM (JD), Alibaba (BABA), Restoration Hardware (RH), Fitbit (FIT), Paypal (PYPL), Paycom Software (PAYC), BOFI Holdings (BOFI), Delta Airlines (DAL), Nvidia Corp (NVDA), Silicon Motion (SIMO), Core Mark Holdongs (CORE), Minerva Neurosciences (NERV), Acadia Pharmaceuticals (ACAD), Ulta Cosmetics (ULTA), Exelixis Corp (EXEL), STMicroelectronics (STM), Bluebird Bio (BLUE), Oclaro Inc (OCLR), Salesforce (CRM), Square (SQ), WIX.com Ltd (WIX), New Oriental Edu (EDU), Roku Inc (ROKU), 58.com (WUBA), Abiomed Inc, (ABMD), Knight-Swift (KNX), Etsy Inc (ETSY), Lyft Corp (LYFT), Tradedeask (TTD), Paycom Software (PAYC), etc.
4-star: Visa (V), Dunkan Brands (DNKN), Gen Motors (GM), Sensata (ST), VMWare (VMW), Fire-eye (FEYE), Arris Group (ARRS), Molina health care (MOH), American Airlines (AAL), Bojangles (BOJA), Zoes Kitchen (ZOES), Gopro (GPRO), Luxoft Holdings (LXFT), Service Now (NOW), Agios Pharmaceuticals (AGIO), Biotelemetry (BEAT), Wellcare Health Plan (WCG), Twitter (TWTR), Align Technology (ALGN), RCI Hospitality (RICK), Solar Edge (SEDG), Planet Fitness (PLNT), Grubhub (GRUB), Wingstop Restaurants (WING), CME group (CME), Take-Two Interactive (TTWO), Tandem Diabetes (TNDM), Sopify (SHOP), Neucrine Bioscience (NBIX), Okta Incp (OKTA), Beyond Meat (BYND), etc.
Growth & Income:
5-Star: Philip Morris International (PM), Wal Mart (WMT), Nike (NKE), Ely Lilly (LLY), Merk (MRK), Cognizant (CTSH), Kohlbert Kravis (KKR), Blackstone Group (BX), Abbvie Inc (ABBV), Seaspan Corp (SSW),
If you want one stock for the next 15 years, and don’t want to worry about market’s ups and downs, and still want to beat CD’s, bonds, and majority of stocks, it could only be Berkshire Hathaway (BRKB). Of course one should be willing to accept volatility, and hold this stock through thick and thin. Earlier I have mentioned that such a stock would be Phillip Morris (PM). I have replaced this name with BRKB, because Philip Morris promotes smoking through its products, which have proven to cause serious health problems for the humanity.
Income Stocks:
5-star: American Capital Agency (AGNC), Reality Income (O), Chimera (CIM), Starwood Properties (STWD), Federal Reality Trust (FRT), Chatham Lodging Trust (CLDT), Stag Industrials (STAG), Digital reality (DLR), Extra space (EXR), Independent Reality Trust (IRT), Medley Capital Corp (MCC), Suncoke Energy Partners (SXCP), Summit Hotel Prop (INN), Ladder Capital Corp (LADR), PennyMac Mortgage (PMT), Blackrock Capital (BKCC), etc.
4-star: CYS Investments (CYS), Calumet (CLMT), Annaly (NLY), TICC Co (TICC), North Tier Energy (NTI), Sunoco LP (SUN), Newtec Business Serv (NEWT), B&G Foods (BGS), Gladstone Capital (GLAD), Ares Capital (ARCC), etc.
I will be continuously adding more good stocks as I study more and more charts. Once again, I would stress that you should consider other factors such as technical and fundamental analysis and your own temperament in addition to astrology while investing. The reason being that the effect of market and sector can override the planetary period pattern in the short term.
Good Stocks for 2018 (List given on Nov. 25, 2017)
The list of ten stocks for 2017 was given on Nov 25, 2016. This list was based on the strength of operating period planets in the foundation-date astro-charts wherever the foundation date of the company was available. I used IPO-date charts only when the foundation date was not available. This list has produced spectacular results. Of the ten stocks, only one stock Medley Corporation (MCC) produced negative (-16.6%) result. All other prduced positive results. The winner stock was Align technology (ALGN). It gained a whopping 165%. Next in line was Canadian Solar (CSIQ), which produced 56.0% gain. Sunoco (SUN) gained 54.6%, Equinix (EQIX) 41.9%, Microsoft (40.2%), Chatham Lodging (CLDT) (23.4%) and T-Mobile (TMUS) 13.0%. The income producing stocks were the laggards. The total return of Altria (MO) was 4.4% and of Reality Income trust was 4.1%. The overall result of the portfolio was 38.5%, handily beating the gain of SP-500, which was 24.5% for the same period.
As a continuation of the tradition I produce a list of 10 stocks for 2018. I am using the similar criterion for selecting stocks as I used last year. While selecting the list I have also kept the valuation and fundamentals of stocks in mind. Since I believe 2018 is also going to be a good year, my selection includes more growth stocks than conservative stocks. The readers are advised to use their own discretion and understanding of the stocks and stock markets before investing in any one of these stocks, as this list is not any kind of recommendation.
Thus my ten stocks for 2018 are:
Roku Inc (ROKU), Micron Technology (MU), AbbVie Inc (ABBV), Celgene Corp (CELG), Westlake Chemical Corp (WLK), Dana Inc. (DAN), McDonalds Corp (MCD), Pulte Group (PHM), Altria Group (MO) and Canadian Solar (CSIQ).
I can write down the astrological explanation of why I selected these stocks if any viewer shows interest.
Jupiter-in-Libra stocks (List given on Sep 7, 2017)
I gave a list of ten stocks in August 2016 for the transition of Jupiter in the sign of Virgo. Of the ten stocks, five stocks gave positive and five gave negative returns. The winners included, Square, SQ (155%), Paypal, PYPL, (66%), Am Airlines, AAL, (29%), JPEP (20%), and Anika Pharma, ANIK, (6%). Minerva, NERV (-42%), Malinkrodt, MNK (-39%), Fireeye, FEYE (-12%), Fitbit, FIT (-57%), and extraspace, (EXR) (-6%). The net result was quite similar to that of the SP-500.
As a continuation of the tradition I produce a list of 10 stocks for the transition of Jupiter in the sign of Libra, which extends from September 2017 to October 2018. These stocks have been selected on the basis of transiting Jupiter conjuncting or aspecting a strong sub-period planet in the natal chart of the stock. While selecting the list I have also kept the valuation and fundamentals of stocks in mind. The readers are advised to use their own discretion und understanding of the stocks and stock markets before investing in any one of these stocks, as this list is not any kind of recommendation.
Thus my ten stocks for Jupiter in Libra are:
Tesla Inc (TSLA), The stock has just started the sub-period of Mercury, which is present in its own sign of Gemini. Transiting jupiter in Libra would aspect and further strengthen the Mercury. I therefore expect TSLA to do good in this period.
Mazor Robotics (MZOR), Transiting Jupiter would aspect natal exalted Saturn, which is the sub-period planet in its astro-chart. I therefore have high hopes from this stock.
Starbucks Corp (SBUX), This stock is undergoing major period of Moon. Transiting Jupiter in Libra would aspect Moon, which can be bullish for this stock.
Southwest Airlines (LUV), The subperiod is of Mars, which is strong as it is present in its own sign of Aries. Transiting Jupiter would aspect this planet. I believe 2017 would bring a turnaround.
Himax Technology (HIMX), Jupiter is transiting over the sub-period planet Mercury and the natal Jupiter. This can be quite beneficial for this stock.
Edward Life Sciences (EW), This is also a story of transit Jupiter aspecting a sub-period planet, Saturn, which is strong by virtue of neech-bhanga Raj-yoga. I therefore hope this stock to continue showing good results in this period.
Washington Prime group (WPG), This is a story of Jupiter return. I therefore hope this stock to show a trend reversal during this period.
Gilead Sciences (GILD), The stock is finally showing signs of turnaround. I believe the stock should be owned, no matter what.
Baxter International (BAX), This stock has a sub-period of exalted Venus. I therefore expect this stock to do good during Jupiter’s transit in Libra.
Minerva Neuroscience (NERV), Transiting Jupiter would aspect natal exalted Saturn. I had this stock last year also, but it disappointed me. The strength of the astro-chart prompted me to include this stock again.
A forcast for Facebook, FB
Facebook has fallen more than 20% on July 26, 2018. Some of the viewers have asked me to give my astrological opnion about the future of FB. Please note that I expect a reasonable recovery in August 2018. If it occurs, FB would continue to be a leader stock. If not, it still would continue to do good and exist for a very long period.
Good Luck
Special Bulletin: (Jan 29, 2018)
The market in 2018 has been going gangbustor as I predicted many times on this website. I said in 2016, that 2017 would be good and 2018 would even be better. It was purely based on the strength of the planets in the Solar return charts of USA. Not even a single soul could believe it at that time. As per my astrological pont of view, one needs to be careful now. A correction may appear at some point during the months of February and March. If it occurs, the market may start upward trajectory once again after that.
Update Special Bulletin: (Feb 11, 2018)
In the last two weeks, the markets have behaved just as I expected. The correction has been sudden and severe, as is expected of Rahu. Rahu stands for severity and volatility. Unfortunately the period of Rahu in a solar return charts runs for approximately 2 months. But it does not mean that the market will keep on falling for the remainder of 1.5 months. As mentioned earlier Rahu stands for severity and volatility. So there may be wild upswings also during February and March. I have a feeling that next week we may see that. Be prepared for sudden moves during this period.
Update Special Bulletin: (March 25, 2018)
The week of March 19 to 24 has again been very bad. But the behaviour of the stock market in February and March has been very typical of Rahu period and was totally expected as mentioned above. As per my calcualations, there is one more week left of this period. Hopefully the volatility may subside and uptrend may resume in the beginning of April.
Special Bulletin about Bitcoin: (April 2, 2018)
I routinely get a number of questions about the price fluctuations of the bitcoin. I could not answer the questions because I could not find a suitable date, time and place of birth for the Bitcoin. Now one of the visitor to this website has provided me all the information I needed. I am therefore daring to write this report.

This chart has strong and contradictory features. That explains why there are strong opinions on both sides for Bitcoin. This chart has strong Sun in the first house and strong Jupiter in the fifth house. The first house also has completely combust Saturn and very weak Moon. Since all these planets in the first house are aspected by strong Jupiter, every down move in the price of bitcoin resulted in recovery eventually. The second house has strong Mercury and weak Venus. On top of that these two friendly planets are joined by their enemy Mars. This kind of complexity shows that are both believers and disbelievers in Bitcoin.
Next thing I checked was the price behavior. I studied the transit of the planets over the natal planets, the solar return charts, Vimshottri and other kinds of dashas to see if anything explains the price fluctuations. None of them gave the satisfactory results. Then I turned to the western technique of the progressed Moon over the natal planets. The result was more than satisfactory. The increase in the price of Bitcoin during 11/14/2017 to 12/18/2017 occurred when the progressed Moon transited over the strong natal Jupiter in the fifth house of speculation. The prices started falling as soon as the progressed Moon went more than 2 degrees away from the Jupiter. The minor fluctuations of price between 2010 and 2016 can also be seen with the progression of Moon over third and fourth house of the chart.
If this model is true, there is nothing to be happy about. Although the progressed Moon is still in the fifth house, it is soon going to enter sixth house of enemies and adversaries, and resident Rahu there. I therefore do not see any recovery in the foreseeable future, not at least in 2018. I may be wrong, as astrological models also fail sometimes like other models do. It is possible that there may be occasional upswings. But they should be used to unload the Bitcoin, in my opinion.
Good Stocks for 2017 (List given on Nov. 25, 2016)
I gave a list of ten stocks for 2016 on Nov 25, 2015. This list was based on the strength of operating period planets in the astro-charts. But the results have been mixed. Of the ten stocks, six stocks gained in value. Ulta Salon (ULTA) gained 55.0%, BOFI holdings (BOFI) gained 21.3%, Reality income (O) 18.6%, Altria (MO) 16.4%, Paypal (PYPL) 13.8% and Google (GOOG) 1.8%. Four stocks lost in value. Nike (NKE) lost 22.2%, Gilead (GILD) 28.5%, Alexion (ALXN) 34.7% and Canadian Solar 48.1%. The main reason for the losses is the under-performance of the biotechnology and solar sectors. Because of the big losers, the average result of the portfolio is a loss of 0.6% per security. This is against a gain of 5.5% in S&P500. This is not encouraging. And I intend to do better job this time.
As a continuation of the tradition I produce a list of 10 stocks for 2017 after improving my criterion of the selection of the stocks. While selecting the list I have also kept the valuation and fundamentals of stocks in mind. Since I believe 2017 is going to be a flat year, my selection includes more conservative stocks than aggressive stocks. The readers are advised to use their own discretion and understanding of the stocks and stock markets before investing in any one of these stocks, as this list is not any kind of recommendation.
Thus my ten stocks for 2017 are:
Equinix Inc (EQIX), Microsoft Corpn (MSFT), Medley Capital Corpn (MCC), Altria Group (MO), Reality Income (O), Chatham Lodging Trust (CLDT), Sunoco LP (SUN), T-Mobile (TMUS), Align Technology (ALGN), and Canadian Solar (CSIQ).
Jupiter-in-Virgo stocks (List given on Aug 1, 2016)
I gave a list of ten stocks in June 2015 for the transition of Jupiter in the sign of Leo.
As a continuation of the tradition I produce a list of 10 stocks for the transition of Jupiter in the sign of Virgo, which extends from August 2016 to August 2017. These stocks have been selected on the basis of strength of Jupiter in the main chart (D1), Navamsha (D9) and Ekadasamsha (D11) charts of the stock. While selecting the list I have also kept the valuation and fundamentals of stocks in mind. The readers are advised to use their own discretion und understanding of the stocks and stock markets before investing in any one of these stocks, as this list is not any kind of recommendation.
Thus my ten stocks for Jupiter in Virgo are:
American Airlines (AAL), Jupiter is strong and well placed in D1 and D11. I am therefore confidant that this company should make good amount of money. However, the success of the stock depends upon the movement of entire airline industry.
Extra Space Storage Inc. (EXR), Since Reality Income (O) is overpriced now, I have chosen this stock to replace it. The major period of Jupiter, which is strong in D9 and D11, should produce good results in this period.
Minerva Neuroscience (NERV), This is relatively a new biotech stock. The strength of the overall astro-chart prompted me to include this stock in this list.
Paypal Holdings (PYPL), This stock just started the major period of Jupiter, and Jupiter is strong in D1 and D9. I therefore expect it to do good in this period.
Square (SQ), The major period is of Rahu, which will be transited by Jupiter in the astro-chart of the stock.
JP Energy Partners (JPEP), This is an Energy MLP. Its chart has strong Jupiter in D1 and D9.
Mallinckrodt plc (MNK), It has very strong Jupiter and Mercury, and sub-period of Jupiter has just started. I believe 2016 would bring a turnaround.
Fire-eye Inc. (FEYE), Jupiter is transiting over the major-period planet Mercury.
Fitbit (FIT), The major period is of strong Jupiter, who is also very strong in D11. This stock also has excellent D9.
Anika Therapeutics (ANIK), This is a story of Jupiter return. It has a strong Jupiter-Moon and Jupiter-Venus yogas in the astro-chart.
As usual, please note that I do not recommend anybody to buy any of these stocks based on my Astrological ideas. Viewers should do their own research and diligence.
Good Stocks for 2016 (List given on Nov. 25, 2015)
I gave a list of ten stocks for 2015 on Nov 29, 2014. This list was based on the strength of operating period planets in the astro-charts. But the results have been mixed. Of the ten stocks, one stock, Trip Advisor did well. Three stocks, Gilead, Celgene and GNC holdings produced slightly positive results. Two stocks BRKB and BIDU broke even. The remaining stocks, MU, VIPS, RICE and STX produced negative results. Considering the dividends received, this list produced a little less than SP500 has. No doubts the market was very harsh on many stocks, and most of the mutual funds and hedge funds fared even worse, yet these kinds of results based on Astrology need an improvement.
As a continuation of the tradition I produce a list of 10 stocks for 2016 after modifying my criterion of the selection of the stocks. Until now I have looked at the strength of the planets in the astro-charts only. But I now realize that it is essential to look at the derivative charts also, especially Navamsha (D9) and Ekadasamsha. (D11). D9 indicates how a company considers and treats its partners i.e., shareholders. D11 indicates how easily a company can increase its earnings. I am adopting this method after testing it thoroughly with old stocks which have performed significantly better than other stocks. While selecting the list I have also kept the valuation and fundamentals of stocks in mind. Since I believe 2016 is going to be a flat to slightly negative year, my selection includes more conservative stocks than aggressive stocks. The readers are advised to use their own discretion and understanding of the stocks and stock markets before investing in any one of these stocks, as this list is not any kind of recommendation.
Thus my ten stocks for 2016 are:
Gilead Sciences (GILD), This is the only stock from my last year’s list. The major period of Moon and its strength in astro-chart and D9 indicates good 2016.
Canadian Solar Inc (CSIQ), On the basis of Astrology, this stock has a good chance of a significant move upward in 2016. But it all depends on when the solar sector begins to get the attention of the market.
Altria group (MO), This is an evergreen stock. This has the best D11 of all the stocks in my data. This is therefore my long-term stock like FB , AAPL and Visa (V).
Alphabet Inc (GOOG), The major period is of Mars. The sub-periods, which would run in 2016 and 2017, are of Venus, Sun and Moon. They are all exalted in D9. This company may do anything in their power to make its investors happy.
PayPal (PYPL), Paypal is a spin off from EBAY. It IPO’d in July 2015, and major period of Jupiter started in October 2015. Jupiter is strong in the astro-chart and its D9 chart, although weak in D11 chart. This therefore is purely a growth story for 2016 and 2017.
Reality Income (O), This is another of my buy and hold type of stock on the basis of D9 and D11. Its D11 is second only to MO. It is therefore a consistent money generating machine.
BOFI Holdings (BOFI), Like CSIQ it has very strong astrological features but the stock has been hit hard lately. I believe 2016 would bring a turnaround.
Alexion Pharmaceuticals (ALXN), The running period is of Jupiter/Venus. Both planets are strong in the astro-chart and its D9 chart.
Nike Inc (NKE) This is another consistent money maker. Like MO and O, this stock also has excellent D11.
Ulta Salon & Cosmetics (ULTA), The major period of Venus would start in July 2016. Its strength in all astro-charts makes me believe that this stock should do good in whole of 2016 and beyond.
Stocks for transit Jupiter in Leo
Last June (6/19/2014), I gave a list of eight stocks for Jupiter transiting in Cancer. Out of this list one stock SDRL fared very badly, VMW and MPEL went down slightly, PCLN did not move much while JD, GS, CTSH and SPR did quite well. Overall this list still managed to beat the S&P 500. I will post heir exact performance on June 14, 2015 when Jupiter will exit cancer and enter the sign Leo. I am now going to present another list of stocks for the transit of Jupiter in Leo. The logic for selecting these stocks is as follows.
1. While in Leo Jupiter will aspect Aries, Sagittarius and Aquarius. The stocks I have chosen all have their favorable points in these signs so that Jupiter will aspect them sometimes during the year (July 01, 2015 to June 30, 2016).
2. In addition Jupiter will also aspect the favorable planets of the natal charts of theses stocks.
3. These stocks either have favorable Vimshottri dashas or transit Jupiter aspects the mahadasha planet.
Thus my ten stocks for Jupiter in Leo are: Celgene Corp. (CELG), Gilead Sciences (GILD), Jazz Pharmaceuticals (JAZZ), Canadian Solar (CSIQ), Impact Mortgage (IMH), Facebook (FB), Reality Income (O), Blackstone (BX), Mobileye (MBLY) and Tableau Software (DATA).
Good Stocks for 2015 (List given on Nov. 29, 2014)
I gave a list of ten stocks for 2014 on Nov 29, 2013. This list was based solely on the strength of transiting Saturn. I selected those stocks, which have strong Saturn in the astro-charts of the stocks. Here is how they performed during the period November 29, 2013 to November 28,2014.
Stock Symbol
Price on 11/29/2013
Price on 11/24/2014
Dividend Earned
Gain or Loss
MU |
21.20 |
34.50 |
0% |
62.7% |
23.90 |
22.90 |
7.9% |
4.7% |
76.40 |
65.65 |
0.2% |
-3.5% |
29.00 |
28.05 |
0% |
-4.5% |
38.80 |
29.90 |
1.6% |
-21.3% |
35.18 |
47.30 |
0.3% |
34.5% |
F |
16.50 |
15.40 |
3.2% |
-3.5% |
36.75 |
51.02 |
0% |
38.8% |
MA |
75.60 |
84.7.44 |
0.5% |
12.5% |
49.80 |
64.94 |
4% |
34.0% |
An average of 15.5% is not any better than the S&P average of 15.2% for the similar period. So my selection of stocks for 2014 was not as good as the selection for last year. Looking at the fact that only 9% of the fund mangers are beating the averages this year, it is not a bad performance. But that is not the excuse. I am now going to offer a similar list of 10 stocks for 2015 with a hope to do a much better job. The basis of the selection is simply the strength of astro-charts with periods (dasha system) of strong planets. I am going to stay with MU and STX. I would replace other eight stocks with GILD, CELG, TRIP, GNC, VIPS, BIDU, RICE and BRK/B. Most of these stocks are my 5* stocks. I am also going to give a little explanation as to why I included these stocks in the list.
Thus my ten stocks for 2015 are:
Gilead Sciences (GILD), GILD has just started major-period of Rahu. Rahu is in the first house, aspected closely by its dispositor Jupiter from ninth house.
Micron Technology (MU), An excellent period of Mercury/Jupiter is coming in 2016. I therefore want to continue with this stock all the way through 2015.
Celgene Corpn (CELG), Running period of Saturn/Jupiter is good. The next period of Mercury/Mercury would even be better. This is also therefore my long-term stock pick.
Vipshop Holdings (VIPS), Running period is of Rahu/Rahu. Rahu is aspected by Yogi Mars. I would hold this stock for the entire year of 2015.
Baidu Inc (BIDU), The sub-period of Mercury should continue to be good as it is with strong Moon in the fifth house.
Trip Advisor (TRIP), This is my possible turnaround story. A good period of Saturn/Jupiter is starting in the middle of the year.
Berkshire Hathaway (BRK/B), I included this stock to provide stability to the portfolio. This pseudo-mutual fund contains a lot of railroads, financial and consumer stocks.
GNC Holdings (GNC), This is another turnaround story. A good period of Moon/Venus has already started which would continue all through 2015.
Rice Energy (RICE), Here is my choice of beleaguered energy sector. The astro-chart is very strong. The period of Saturn/Saturn beginning in February 2015 hopefully would translate into a strong performance.
Seagate Techn (STX), I am holding this stock for the last 2 years, and plan to hold this for a few more years.
Stocks for exalted Jupiter in Transit
I have picked stocks for 2013 and 2014 based on the transition of Saturn in Libra, its sign of exaltation. The thesis was that if a planet is strong in transit, and if we pick stocks, which have same planet strong in the natal chart and are undergoing sub-period (bhukti) of the same planet, the stock would produce strong results. We have seen strong results in the performance of 2013 stocks, while 2014 is still going on. Now Jupiter is about to transit in its sign of exaltation, Cancer. It would stay in Cancer during the period June 19, 2014 to July 14, 2015. I have gone through my database of about 500 stocks to select a few stocks, which meet all of the above criteria. Here is the list:
JD.com (JD): Period of Jupiter/Jupiter runs 5/22/2014 – 9/23/2015. Jupiter is Yogi planet and is its own star, Punarvasu; therefore very strong in the natal chart. In addition, Jupiter aspects Moon and Saturn.
VMWare (VMW): Period of Venus/Jupiter runs 5/03/2013 – 2/02/2016. Jupiter is Duplicate yogi and aspects Mars, Sun and Mercury (Yogi planet).
SeaDrill (SDRL): Period of Saturn/Jupiter runs 11/15/2013 – 5/29/2016. Jupiter is Yogi planet, and aspects Mars in the natal chart.
Priceline (PCLN): Period of Mars/Jupiter runs 1/27/2015 – 1/03/2016. Jupiter is in its own sign Pisces and in the star of the Yogi planet, Mercury; therefore very strong and favorable in the natal chart.
Goldman Sachs (GS): Period of Venus/Jupiter runs 5/21/2014 – 9/10/2017. Jupiter is in the same sign and star as in PCLN.
Cognizant Technology (CTSH): Period of Venus/Jupiter runs 1/10/2015 – 1/19/2017. Jupiter is in the same sign and star as in PCLN.
Melco Crown Entertainment (MPEL): Period of Mercury/Jupiter runs 7/31/2012 – 11/06/2014. Jupiter is Yogi planet, and conjuncts Moon and Mars in the natal chart.
Spirit Aerosystems (SPR): Period of Jupiter/Jupiter runs 2/03/2013 – 3/24/2015. Jupiter is in the Ascendant, and conjuncts Sun and Mars in the natal chart.
I am looking into more stock-charts and if I find more stocks, I will add them in this list.
The viewers also encouraged to search their own databases and suggest stocks if they meet above criteria.
As usual, please note that I do not recommend anybody to buy any of these stocks based on my Astrological ideas. Viewers should do their own research and diligence.
Good Stocks for 2014 (List given on Nov. 29, 2013)
I gave a list of ten stocks for 2013 on Dec 1 , 2012. This list was based solely on the strength of transiting Saturn. I selected those stocks which have strong Saturn in the astro-charts of the stocks. Here is how they performed during the period December 1, 2012 to November 29,2013.
Stock Symbol
Price on 12/1/2012
Price on 12/1/2013
Dividend Earned
Gain or Loss
18.60 |
36.98 |
0% |
99% |
69.40 |
38.40 |
0% |
-45% |
81.90 |
364.70 |
0% |
345% |
25.70 |
29.76 |
8% |
23% |
49.40 |
50.40 |
4% |
6% |
38.40 |
35.92 |
1% |
-6% |
F |
11.60 |
17.10 |
3% |
50% |
24.80 |
22.58 |
10% |
1% |
MA |
492.00 |
761.44 |
1% |
56% |
25.40 |
49.04 |
4% |
97% |
An average of 63% is much better than the S&P average of 26%, and is a testament to the usefulness of my analysis of stock charts based on astrology. I am now going to offer a similar list of 10 stocks for 2014. Since Saturn remains exalted until October 2014, I am going to stick with this list with a few changes. This is because I have studied more astro-charts of stocks, and found better stocks that have strong Saturn in the natal charts and running sub-periods of Saturn. I am dropping NFLX simply because it has gone too far too fast. I am going to stay with YHOO, LEN, F, MA and STX. I am going to replace other five stocks with KKR, MU, RRC, CSIQ and NSM. Since some of the new stocks were running Saturn sub-period last year, they have already advanced in price. One should therefore be careful to buy at these levels.
Thus my ten stocks for 2014 are: Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR), Micron Technology (MU), Range Resources Corp (RRC), Canadian Solar (CSIQ), Nationstar Mortgage (NSM), Yahoo (YHOO), Lennar Corp (LEN), Ford Motor (F), Master Card (MA) and Seagate Techn (STX).
Another interesting point to note is that Jupiter is also entering its sign of exaltation in June 2014, and will remain exalted for about one year. Therefore I will come up another list of stocks which have strong Jupiter in their natal charts. Please keep in touch.
I have included another page “Selecting Stocks” on the website today (12/10/2014). This page describes my general way of finding market leaders. The method is very simple and easy. So you must read.
How to Pick Leader Stocks using Vedic Astrology
Here I am going to reveal a two-step process I use to select stocks for investing. This simple process does not pick all of the winners of the stock market. But the stocks it picks have a very high probability of becoming the stock market leaders at one time or the other. If one invests in these stocks using some kind of technical analysis such as MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) on a weekly chart, one can achieve much better performance than the market averages.
Here are the two rules. Both the rules should be present in the astro-chart to select a stock.
1. A planet present in the first house of the astro-chart should either be first house lord, or first house star lord or Yogi planet.
In other words there should be a planet in the ascendant, and it should be ascendant lord or Sookshma lord of the ascendant or yogi planet (as defined by Seshadri Iyer). If the ascendant star lord or yogi planet is also exalted or in own sign, the stock becomes market leader quickly. Also note that the longitude of this planet should ideally be very close to the ascendant degree, but the planet cannot be more than 15 degrees away from the ascendant longitude. For example, if the ascendant is 4 degrees of Leo, the longitude of the planet should be less than 19 degrees in Leo. Or if the ascendant is 18 degrees of Capricorn, the longitude of the planet should be more than 3 degrees in Capricorn.
2. There should be a connection between Jupiter and Saturn in the chart.
In other words either Jupiter should aspect Saturn, or Saturn should aspect Jupiter, or both the planets should aspect each other, or they should be present in each other’s Sign, or they should both be strong and well placed. Please note that I am talking about aspects used in Vedic Astrology. Here also, the longitude difference between the two planets is very important. Smaller the difference, better it is, but it should not be more than 15 degrees. Also note that all planetary longitudes are given with regards to Sidereal zodiac, not Tropical Zodiac.
Here are the winners of the past from a list of 500 astro-charts I studied.
Google, Inc. GOOG. 8/19/2004, 6:30AM, PDT, Mountain view, CA.
Leo ascendant (2°34’), its lord Sun is in the first house (2°58’). Saturn (Gemini 28°08’) aspects Jupiter (Leo 28°17’).
Amazon, AMZN. 5/15/1997, 6:30AM, PDT, Seattle, WA.
Taurus Ascendant (17°41’), its lord Venus, who is also Yogi in the first house (12°07’).
Saturn in Pisces (21°52’) and Jupiter is Capricorn (27°06’).
Stericycle, Inc. SRCL. 8/23/1996, 8:30AM, CDT, Lake Forest, IL. This stock, although not well known, produced a gain of 30 times between 2000 and 2012.
Virgo ascendant (3°38’), its lord Mercury is in the first house (4°05’). Saturn (Pisces 12°33’) aspects Jupiter (Sagittarius 14°12’).
Apple Inc, AAPL. 12/12/1980, 6:30AM, PST, San Francisco, CA.
Scorpio Ascendant (22°41’), its ascendant star lord Mercury is in the first house (26°49’). The Yogi Sun (27°10’) is also in the first house. Saturn in Virgo (14°59’) conjuncts Jupiter (14°00’).
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, REGN. 4/2/1991, 9:30AM, EST, Tarrytown, NY.
Gemini Ascendant (2°48’), its ascendant star lord Mars is in the first house (6°02’).
Saturn in Capricorn (11°31’) aspects Jupiter in Cancer (9°49’). Note, both Saturn and Jupiter are strong also.
Texas Instruments, TXN. 10/1/1953, 9:00AM, CDT, Dallas, TX.
Libra Ascendant (4°55’), Yogi Mercury in the first house (2°11’). Jupiter in Gemini (2°57’) aspects exalted Saturn in Libra (4°16’).
There are many more examples, such as ISRG, PCYC, SSYS, EQIX, MDVN, INTC, CONN, BIDU, HPQ, DLTR, V, MLNX, MNST, CRM, TROW, DAR, RRC, CPHD, PNRA etc. I will let the readers test them out themselves.
I must add that this method, as any other method, also fails once in a while. A few examples I could find are ENTR, BSFT and ZNGA. These stocks have not performed so far. But who knows, they can thrive in future. The stocks PCYC, MDVN, REGN also remained dormant for years until the biotech sector started blossoming.
Here is a list of relatively new stocks, which passes both the tests. You may invest in them keeping in mind your investment style and using some timing method such as moving averages.
Facebook (FB), Tesla Motors (TSLA), Kohlberg Kravis (KKR), Nationstar Mortgage (NSM), Exelixis Inc (EXEL), Nvidia Corp (NVDA), Twitter Inc (TWTR), Trip Advisor (TRIP), JD.com (JD) and Arista Network (ANET).
My Stocks for 2013 (List given on Dec 1, 2012)
Based on my astrological analysis, the year of 2013 is not expected to produce good results for U.S. stock market. But even in a bad year it is always possible that some stocks may stand out or outperform the averages. Here I select some stocks,which in my opinion can produce good results during the year 2013. The astrological reason for my bullishness on these stocks is that the Saturn is going to be exalted throughout the year 2013, and these stocks are running the sub-period of Saturn, and Saturn is well placed and strong in their natal charts. There may be hundreds of stocks which satisfy these criteria, but I could study only 300 astro-charts and came up with ten names. Here are the ten stocks:
YHOO (Yahoo), RAX (Rackspace), NFLX (Netflix), TCAP (Triangle Corp), LLY (Ely Lilly Pharmaceuticals), LEN (Lennar Corp), F (Ford Motor), PMT (Pennymac Mortgage), MA (Master Card), and STX (Seagate).
Update on My Holdings (January 27, 2013)
Last 3 months have been very bad for AAPL. The stock has plummeted from $700 to $440. If you look history of this stock you can see that this kind of draw-downs are not unusual for the AAPL stock. The astrological reason for this is the close conjunction of the Major-period planet Jupiter and extremely malefic planet Saturn. AAPL is going through a sub-period of Venus, which is although in its own sign Libra, yet in the 12th house, the house designated for losses. The good thing is that the Venus sub-period will be followed by Sun sub-period, which would start on 11/29/2014. The Sun is very strong in this chart and in D-4. I therefore urge the long term investors to stick with this stock, as I firmly believe that the best days of AAPL have yet to come, although we may have to wait for almost 2 years.
On the positive side, all of the “good stocks for 2013” are behaving very nicely. If one has bought all or any one of them on 12/01/2012, the date I posted them, one would be very happy now.
Carnage in Gold and Silver in April 2013
This month something unusual happened, which prompted me to seek an astrological explanation. The price of gold fell from $1510 to $1313 in a matter of hours on April 12. This was most likely orchestrated by certain US brokers to under mine the importance of gold as a currency against the dollar. However we can find a very easy explanation in Astrology for this extraordinary move. Sun, which represents Gold and currency was entering its sign of exaltation, Aries, on April 13. It was opposed by Strong Saturn in its own sign of exaltation, Libra. Saturn represents demolition of prices and severe corrections. Although the exact opposition between strong Sun and Saturn is occurring today (April 28), and it is not uncommon to see the results a few days earlier or after the exact aspect. It is also important to note that this kind of opposition of these two strong planet does not occur very often. Of course this opposition has other ramifications than influencing the price of gold and silver also.
The next question is can we take advantage of this knowledge. The answer is certainly yes. The Sun is moving forward slowly out of the retrograde Saturn’s opposition. It will take about 15 days for Sun to move out of strong evil grips of Saturn. It generally takes more time than a few days for the prices to recover after this kind of demolition. I would therefore slowly move into Gold and Silver for long term investment.
UPDATE on Sept 1, 2013
As predicted gold moved higher from $1180 to $1400 after April 2013. People who followed my astrological prediction should have made some good money. At this time the Sun is in its own sign of Leo and Saturn is exalted in Libra. In about one and a half month Sun will be in the sign Libra where it will conjoin Saturn. The upward move in gold prices will therefore get stalled, and one can see another correction around beginning of November. The upward move could once again resume after Middle of November 2013.
UPDATE on 12/10/2013
As predicted there was a second correction in the gold in November 2013. Gold is sitting around $1250 an once now. Since the planet Sun is in the sign Sagittarius,where it will be aspected by Saturn for a few days,it is my view that the recovery of gold prices will be slow. One needs to have patience to see gold prices moving higher.
My Stocks for 2012:
Considering good planetary periods, technical analysis and my own moderately aggressive attitude, I am long PM, AAPL, AGNC, LNKD, GNC, SODA, LLY, INVN, CLMT, FOSL, NSM at the present time (August 2012). Although I am a BUY-&-HOLD type of guy, these holdings may change if the market conditions or technical analysis of a stock change. I will write about any change in my holdings when I update this site on Saturdays.