Aug 31 – Sep 04, 2020

A few weeks ago, I changed the format of this page. Instead of giving daily predictions, I am now writing about the shorter periods of the week. The basis is the compressed-vimshottri-dasha (CVD) planet in the monthly Solar return chart (mSRC).

My prediction last week was correct as SP500 gained nearly 100 points, as I was expecting a higher market. 

Here is the expected breakdown of the week of  August 31, 2020 – September 04, 2020.

The CVD planet for the period August 30 – September 03 is Rahu. Rahu is placed in the 6th house with no aspect from any benefic or malefic planet. This is not a good configuration and could result in a lower market.  

The CVD planet for the period September 04 -September 08 is Jupiter. Jupiter rules the 12th house and is situated in the 1st house in the sign Capricorn. Jupiter gets the influence of  Venus in the 7th house. This setup is good for the market and can result in higher values for the indexes.

Overall this week the S&P 500 may go LOWER, because the market may be down 4 days and up only 1 day.

The week after that may start with a higher day on September 08, 2020.


Note: This forecast is strictly based on astrological considerations. This is only for academic interest and not intended for trading.


3,793 thoughts on “Aug 31 – Sep 04, 2020”

  1. Hello I wanted to know what you think of the Ehang Holding (EH) stock I have this date 13/12/2019 or 16/12/2019, at the nasdaq check you thanks

    • Terry:
      From my astrological perspective, the chart is only of mediocre quality. I will try to find better quality stocks.
      Good luck
      Raj Chadha

  2. Hare Krishna prabhu,
    Earlier you mentioned dates of Scorpio moons do have volatile session in the market.
    What are the moon signs which do have bullish, stable and bearish patterns? (I understand the position of other planets do matter). My motive is I want to get my timing right before making a decision.

    • Pawan:
      Hare Krishna
      Here is the relative performance of the Moon in different signs. This is summarized from 200 years of Dow Jones data. One can explain this by assuming Aries to be the ascendant sign. Then the signs of the Upachaya houses give good results, while malefic houses give bad results. The strength of the Moon in different signs also matters.
      Ar (-2), Ta (+4), Ge (+3), Cn (+2), Le (-3), Vi (-2), Li (+1), Sc (-6), Sg (-2), Cp (+4), Aq (+4), Pi (-3)
      Roughly, you can say that Cp to Cn, the signs are good, while Le to Sg, the signs are bad.
      But remember, the phases of the Moon also matter. In addition, the aspects between different planets need to be considered also. This is what I use in my daily and weekly forecasts.
      Raj Chadha

    • Namoo:
      I would also like to know the opening time of the exchange where it started trading to calculate the first-trade time with reference to the headquarter. For example, the NYSE opens at 9:30 AM. If the company is in Korea, I need to convert 9:30 AM to Korean time.
      Raj Chadha

        • Namoo:
          The chart does show a strong or long-lasting company. However, there may be times of poor performance in between. If I have shares of this company, I will stick to it for the long term, or perhaps buy more shares during its bad times. You can decide for yourself.
          Raj Chadha

    • Sandy:
      Yahoo gives the date as 8/6/1995. It is Hong Kong-based company. It is a penny stock. The chart looks good. You can put free change in the stock for the long term. I believe it may not disappoint you.
      Raj Chadha

    • Samsung:
      It is a Canadian company. It started trading in Canada on 9/18/2008. In the USA, it started trading on 1/25/2018.
      Generally, astrology cannot forecast the company’s performance if a stock’s price is dependent on a commodity price. But its chart looks good, and it can give better esults in 2024.
      Raj Chadha

  3. Hi,

    I’ve read your thoughts that market may fall after August this year but biotech sector may be good in 2nd half period.
    Would that mean biotech sector may not get much impact from the fall ?

    Also I’d love to request how ZM and PLTR look for this year and possibly more !
    Thank you

    • Yo:
      It is possible that when the whole market goes down, the biotech sector may also go down, but not as much as the market.
      PLTR is recovering fine. I think if someone holds it for a few years, he will do good in this stock.
      I think, ZM may also recover in 2023, when the market goes higher.
      Raj Chadha

  4. Hare Krishna prabhu,
    You mentioned earlier (based on the FED chart) if a chart is going through Rahu-ketu dasa it would worst time period.

    Could you list other dasa’s combination which are good and bad ones? Assuming Individual chart does matter.

    Thank you

    • Pawan:
      You have asked a very broad question. But I will answer your question in brief. First, as you mentioned, the strength and position of planets in the chart matter more than the general classifications.
      Still, I observed that mahadasha and anthar-dasha of two malefic planets, such as Sat/Rah, Sat/Mar, Mar/Ket, Ket/Rahu, etc., are generally bad. Similarly, Jup/Ven, Moo/Ve, and Jup/Moo are generally good. In addition, we should also consider the transits of these two planets during the periods.
      Raj Chadha

    • Greg:
      Of the three stocks you mentioned, GEO looks good. PACB is a biotech stock. It isn’t easy to invest in a single biotech stock. I suggest looking at XBI, an ETF with more than a hundred biotech stocks. BYND has lost its flavor. I cannot bet on its recovery. It may move up a little with the market.
      Good luck
      Raj Chadha

  5. Namaste Raj

    Trying to reach out for personal consultation, the you provide in contact me is not working. Could you please provide any alternate contact information.


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