Aug 31 – Sep 04, 2020

A few weeks ago, I changed the format of this page. Instead of giving daily predictions, I am now writing about the shorter periods of the week. The basis is the compressed-vimshottri-dasha (CVD) planet in the monthly Solar return chart (mSRC).

My prediction last week was correct as SP500 gained nearly 100 points, as I was expecting a higher market. 

Here is the expected breakdown of the week of  August 31, 2020 – September 04, 2020.

The CVD planet for the period August 30 – September 03 is Rahu. Rahu is placed in the 6th house with no aspect from any benefic or malefic planet. This is not a good configuration and could result in a lower market.  

The CVD planet for the period September 04 -September 08 is Jupiter. Jupiter rules the 12th house and is situated in the 1st house in the sign Capricorn. Jupiter gets the influence of  Venus in the 7th house. This setup is good for the market and can result in higher values for the indexes.

Overall this week the S&P 500 may go LOWER, because the market may be down 4 days and up only 1 day.

The week after that may start with a higher day on September 08, 2020.


Note: This forecast is strictly based on astrological considerations. This is only for academic interest and not intended for trading.


3,791 thoughts on “Aug 31 – Sep 04, 2020”

  1. Hare Krishna Prabhu,
    Thanks a lot for your daily feeds. I find it useful in making a calculated decisions.
    1) BTC halving (Please Google search Bitcoin halving) is set to take place in April 2024. Looking back at history BTC halving did have a rally after the halving event. Would you please share your thoughts on BTC around the April-May period?
    2) Jupiter – Uranus conjunction is set to take place on April 2024. Sectors where $ could be made?
    3) A couple of famous financial astrologers are predicting ‘CRASH CRASH’ around the year 2027. This happens after every 7 years of Jupiter/ Saturn conjunction. I would like to know your thoughts on it, please

    • Pawan:
      Hare Krishna
      Here are my answers.
      1) In my opinion, BTC is now going to follow an entirely different path from the perceived parabolic move followed by halving after 4 years. My reason is that BTC is undergoing Sun mahadasha not Jupiter. As per my calculation, BTC may trade in a range for 2 months followed by a correction in the third month.
      2) It is quite likely that Jup-Urn conjuction may be good for bonds, financial, insurance and mortgage companies.
      3) I see a crash-crash in 1945 not before. Unfortunately, I won’t be there to see it.
      Good luck
      Raj Chadha

  2. Dear Dr.Raj
    i wanted your Astrological opinion on QS stock which started trading on Nasdaq on Nov 30 2020 for the first time

    with everybody into EV vehicles now a days ; do you think this company which is based in SanJose, CA has any good Astrological charts to survive?/
    many many thanks as always,

    • Vick:
      QS was not IPO. It captured the symbol of some stock, which was already trading, by a process known as SPAC. It is therefore difficult for me to comment on this company. However, I have been using the date of Sep 3, 2020 because the deal of acquiring the symbol was made on this date. Based on this chart, I can say that it may survive for sometime, but I do not see any brilliant future for this company.
      Raj Chadha

    • Jan:
      In my view SMCI may have a good year, PLTR flat and ALB a poor year in 2024. Let us see how the year go for them.
      Good luck
      Raj Chadha

  3. dr. Raj
    good morning,
    with many thanks for your tireless work to humanity to enrich us with your knowledge of financial astrology and i must sincerely thank you for that.
    with that said, you mentioned that Fabulous 7 will march with the markets up and down except NVDA
    will you please elaborate more on this comment more broadly time permitting and what exactly you mean and when will be the best time to invest in NVDA if we get any !!!!!
    seems like nothing would stop this stock

  4. Dr,Raj
    How are you, As always many many thanks for your services to humanity and I can say very confidently that you are the ONLY astrologer that I have read will always accept mistakes in interpretation of stars
    And many thanks for bringing out right interpretations
    As you mentioned last week that magnificent seven may fall with markets falling but NVDA
    Will you please explain more on that and what you think of NVDA going further
    Vinodchandra modi

    • Vick:
      I have answer this question for Vinod in my previous mail for NVDA. I think AAPL and other magnificent seven will also have a poisitve year in 2024.
      Good luck
      Raj Chadha

  5. Dr,Raj
    How are you, As always many many thanks for your services to humanity and I can say very confidently that you are the ONLY astrologer that I have read will always accept mistakes in interpretation of stars
    And many thanks for bringing out right interpretations
    As you mentioned last week that magnificent seven may fall with markets falling but NVDA
    Will you please explain more on that and what you think of NVDA going further
    Vinodchandra modi

    • Vinod:
      As per my astrology, NVDA may have another good year in 2024. I am working on 10 best for 2024. NVDA will most likely be one of them.
      Raj Chadha

  6. Hi Raj,

    Can you please update your views on your warning 93 year cycle, seems like 2023 should have been it! Now with all your bullish projections for equities have you changed your mind on it?

  7. Hello Raj,
    Just wondered, what happened to the 93 year cycle warning? 2023 was supposed to be the year while S&P can’t even break 4100 and your projections seem extremely bullish going forward? thx

    • Jay:
      My warning has panned out perfectly the year 2022 and 2023. This period has been very bad for most of the stocks. Investors are hiding in 7 stocks only, and the rest of market has done very badly.
      Also please note that the cycle don’t start and end in one day. There are always cross currents present. I have also said that the market will do good after October 20, 2023. And it started on Oct 30, 2023. I am now saying that good period in the market can continue until May 15, 2024. Let us see how it pans out.
      Raj Chadha

      • Thanks Raj!
        It is indeed that a lot of stocks have not done too well but it has been very disappointing shorting indices nevertheless as it seems there has not been as bad of a bear market in overall indices due to the 7 stocks. I have seen that March-May 2024 time frame elsewhere to be important for some cycles though I’ve seen just as many indicating it to be a top as well as the bottom, so it creates a dilemma for positioning.
        Do you forsee bad future for magnificent seven – relatively much worse than broader market after May 2024. I see later part of this decade not being too great for financial markets and exactly because of this 93-94year cycle. 1835, 1929 were beginnings of major depressions and 2023 should have been the same though so far it has not manifested really that badly.
        Thank you for your answer and work!

        • Jay:
          Regarding magnificent seven, I think they may perform just as the market does except NVDA. On the issue long term cycles, I think we may see good times after 2025. Currently, I think we may good time until May 20, 2024. Then bad period may fall upon us for a few months again.
          Good luck
          Raj Chadha

      • Dear Raj,
        If the good period in market can continue till May 15th, S&P500 will be above 5000 at this rate.
        Is that what you are expecting?That seems a stretch. Please let us know your thoughts.


        • Nanda:
          With my astrology, I can see the dorection of the movements. My methods do not tell me how far SP500 can go. But my gut feeling suggests that we can go upto 5000-5500.
          Raj Chadha


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