Aug 31 – Sep 04, 2020

A few weeks ago, I changed the format of this page. Instead of giving daily predictions, I am now writing about the shorter periods of the week. The basis is the compressed-vimshottri-dasha (CVD) planet in the monthly Solar return chart (mSRC).

My prediction last week was correct as SP500 gained nearly 100 points, as I was expecting a higher market. 

Here is the expected breakdown of the week of  August 31, 2020 – September 04, 2020.

The CVD planet for the period August 30 – September 03 is Rahu. Rahu is placed in the 6th house with no aspect from any benefic or malefic planet. This is not a good configuration and could result in a lower market.  

The CVD planet for the period September 04 -September 08 is Jupiter. Jupiter rules the 12th house and is situated in the 1st house in the sign Capricorn. Jupiter gets the influence of  Venus in the 7th house. This setup is good for the market and can result in higher values for the indexes.

Overall this week the S&P 500 may go LOWER, because the market may be down 4 days and up only 1 day.

The week after that may start with a higher day on September 08, 2020.


Note: This forecast is strictly based on astrological considerations. This is only for academic interest and not intended for trading.


3,793 thoughts on “Aug 31 – Sep 04, 2020”

  1. Hello Pandit Raj:

    Kindly provide your expert astrological insights on NVDA (Nvidia). It’s on a continuous slides over 3 weeks in a row. Aug. 5 is coming up very soon, would you consider it to decline further to below u$100. Your kind prognosis is very much appreciated. Thank you.
    Francis M

    • Francis:
      NVDA has been a market leader, and I think it will continue to remain leader for some time to come. The market has been been bad for the last few weeks. As a result, it also tanked. I think more bad days lie ahead for the market. Consequently, it is quite likely that it goes further down with market.
      Good luck
      Raj Chadha

      • Hello Pandit Raj:

        Thank you for your reply. Indeed that NVDA is sliding further in today’s (Aug. 5) pre-market trades. It’s at the u$93.00 range. It’s sad to see the leader of the AI group suffers with the declining market.

        Thanks again for your astro insights.
        Francis M

        • Francis:
          There are some investors who feel that companies are spending billions in AI, but the return on that expenditure may only be small. If more investors start feeling that way, all the hype on AI can disappear. So, please don’t get wedded to a company or an idea.
          Good luck
          Raj Chadha

  2. Hello Raj,

    First of allí thanks for your wisdome, whats Is going on with sunpower $spwr according to your forecas.

    Best regards

    • Alvaro:
      I thought this company had filed bankruptcy. But I see it is still there. If you want solar stock, there are many better ones. Please don’t waste time over SPWR.
      Raj Chadha

        • Lakshmi:
          As per my Shashti-Hayini dasha system, good days for INTC may not return soon. It may not go bankrupt but it may take a long time to recover. I would bite the bullet and move on to a better stock, there are hundreds of them.
          Good luck
          Raj Chadha

  3. Hello Raj:
    I’ve started following your weekly (and in turn have been reviewing your monthly) forecasts for the last month or so and you have done an amazing job! I appreciate that you are short to the point in your rationale and assessments.

    I have been bearish on the US markets since end of May and having been averaging into short positions in both the QQQ (Nasdaq 100) and IWM (Russell 2000). The IWM has not been moving with the S&P and QQQ. Do you think both IWM and QQQ will move down with the S&P in August, assuming the S&P has not already made its lows for the year this week?


    • Harry:
      Jupiter is in the sign of Gemini, whose symbol is a dancing couple. Just imagine how they move, sometimes in synch, sometime in opposit directions. That’s how we the find markets doing these days.
      The planetary configuarations are tough during the month of August and first half of September. I think it is quite likely that everything moves down in tandem during thar period. This is my astrological analysis but you should also follow a bit of technical analysis, like a 50-d moving average.
      Good luck
      Raj Chadha

  4. Hare krishna prabhu,
    I would like to know your thoughts on these growth stocks especially transit etc

    Applied Digital 13 April 2022 Dallas, TX
    ON Holdings September 15, 2021 HQ Switzerland
    UIpath April 21, 2021 New York, New York, United States

    • Pawan:
      Hare Krishna
      Of the three stocks, APLD looks best. PATH had good dasha but it has not performed as expected. The immediate future periods also do not look promising.
      ON is running through a period of Saturn/Rahu until Oct 2024. Then Saturn/Jupiter starts, which may be slightly better. If you already own it, it is worth waiting.
      The Moon/Jupiter shasht-hayini dasha of APLD starts from September 2024. Hopefully it brings good results for this small-cap company.
      Good luck
      Raj chadha

  5. Hello Raj,
    Given the down move in the S&P last week and news of Biden dropping out of the presidential race today, do you believe the market decline you were predicting to start around August 5th has already begun? Or could the market recover some before starting down again in August.


    • JP:
      I think we may recover a bit next week (July 26 – Aug 02) before the week of Aug 05. In any case we should not relax now.
      Good luck
      Raj Chadha

      • Thank you very much Raj for responding quickly! I’ve recently started following your blog and appreciate the perspective and thoughtfulness of your analyses. Not to mention, thus far in 2024, your monthly predictions have been very good!
        All the best,

  6. Hello Raj,

    Please share your astrological views of for short term and long term. Do you think this will recover or get back to its high in the short term or in the long term and if so when that will happen.

    As always thank you for your valuable service

    • Teja:
      I don’t see any astrological problem in the chart of It is running a period of a benefic planet, Jupiter. I strongly feel that there may be a trend change in October 2024 when sub-period of Moon starts.
      Let us see. Good luck to you and me.
      Raj Chadha

    • Ganesha:
      I don’t have the chart for ASRT. But I don’t see good things in the chart of SAVA. Better move on to something better.
      Good luck
      Raj Chadha

  7. Hare Krishna Prabhu,
    1)Going into Q1 2025 sectors which are going to perform well?
    2) Silver has been performing exceptionally well recently. Would you please share when this Astro cycle has started, peaked and will be coming to an end.
    Thank you for your help

    • Pawan:
      Hare Krishna.
      I have not worked on the months of 2025 yet. But I think , the gold can go to 3000 by 2030. Silver might follow gold. Let us see.
      Raj Chadha

  8. Dear Dr. Raj,
    Kindly provide advise if TDOC will ever recover. I’ve about a 90% loss on the position. Is it better to sell and take tax loss. Many thanks.

    • R:
      Unfortunately, I do not have a good news for you. I wish I had. It is going through a bad period of Saturn now. The next period of Rahu starts in October 2024, which does not show any promise either. For future, please make a rule. Any stocks that shows a loss of 20% in your portfolio, must go. No questions asked. I learned this hard way. I hope you can learn too.
      Raj Chadha

  9. Hare Krishna Prabhu
    Natural gas has been lagging since the pandemic could you please share your thoughts on it in coming years?

    • Pawan:
      As you know, my understanding of commodities is limited. I only try to be accurate on the stock market direction as much as possible.
      Raj chadha


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