Aug 31 – Sep 04, 2020

A few weeks ago, I changed the format of this page. Instead of giving daily predictions, I am now writing about the shorter periods of the week. The basis is the compressed-vimshottri-dasha (CVD) planet in the monthly Solar return chart (mSRC).

My prediction last week was correct as SP500 gained nearly 100 points, as I was expecting a higher market. 

Here is the expected breakdown of the week of  August 31, 2020 – September 04, 2020.

The CVD planet for the period August 30 – September 03 is Rahu. Rahu is placed in the 6th house with no aspect from any benefic or malefic planet. This is not a good configuration and could result in a lower market.  

The CVD planet for the period September 04 -September 08 is Jupiter. Jupiter rules the 12th house and is situated in the 1st house in the sign Capricorn. Jupiter gets the influence of  Venus in the 7th house. This setup is good for the market and can result in higher values for the indexes.

Overall this week the S&P 500 may go LOWER, because the market may be down 4 days and up only 1 day.

The week after that may start with a higher day on September 08, 2020.


Note: This forecast is strictly based on astrological considerations. This is only for academic interest and not intended for trading.


3,793 thoughts on “Aug 31 – Sep 04, 2020”

  1. Namastay Dr. Raj!!
    What are your thoughts on Dell (NYSE: DELL), Micron (NASDAQ: MU),Riot Platforms Inc.(NASDAQ: RIOT) & Target(NYSE: TGT). I will appreciate if you can suggest some which are not very expensive for new learner to invest in. Thanks!!

    • Anu:
      Namastey. Micron technology is a cyclical stock. If you buy when it is down, and sell when it is hitting new highs, you cannot go wrong. I bought some last week myself.
      I think RIOT may start doing good towards the end of year 2024. I cannot say much about DELL, because it was a publically traded company, it then went private, and it is public again.
      TGT just announced the earnings last week. It jumped. One should now wait for a small pullback to buy.
      Raj Chadha

    • Lakshmi:
      As per my astrological consideration, we may have a down Aug-Sep month. I still believe that. Apparently, it is not playing out sofar. It is quite possible that some other forces are acting, which I could not see. I always suggest to use technical analysis in addition to astrology.
      Raj Chadha

  2. Dear Dr. Raj,
    According to Johan Rockstrom winner of Tyler Prize (dubbed as Nobel Prize in Environmental) our planet has breached 6 of 9 planetary boundaries, remaining 3 on verge of being breached. He sees a small window to stop further planetary deterioration. Based on such grim scientific data, do you still foresee indexes like QQQ or S&P will continue to soar over next 20 to 30 years. Thanks.

    • R:
      I don’t know anything about planetary boundaries or Johan Rockstrom. There are people who are 100 times intelligent than me but I think if you have 20-30 years of time frame, simply put your money in QQQ and sleep. You will not regret it.
      Good luck
      Raj Chadha

    • Pawan:
      Hare Krishna:
      The astrological persepective suggests that both stocks are good and do well over a period of time. Of the two, MDB may be better.
      Good luck
      Raj Chadha

    • Lakshmi:
      If I look at only the astrology chart and use my favorite Shashti-hayini dasha, I think that it has a very good chance of recovery after October 2024.
      Good luck
      Raj Chadha

  3. Jai Shri Ram. $GDDY has done very well in the past year. Do you expect the run to continue for long? Any long term thoughts on $GDDY?

    • Sam Sung:
      Jai Shri Ram.
      Yes, GDDY has done very well. The astrology-chart is quite strong. This is another one, for some reason, I overlooked. This stock may also do good long-term. I would hang on to it.
      Good luck
      Raj Chadha

  4. Hello Raj Ji;

    Volatility really picked up Sunday but since Monday open Nasdaq closed up 6% . I established a short position near NQ 18300 area QQQ 443.

    As it closed above the closing price of last friday, is there threat to bigger bounce ot volatility should pick up and I can expect to get out clean or may be make some money

    • Guru:
      The markets were very volatile last week. I believe it can be volatile for next 2-3 weeks also. I also see a lower market next week. But you have to very sharp to play the shorting game. I failed whenever I tried. I, therefore, go to cash whenever I think market can go down.
      Good luck
      Raj Chadha

      • Should have not taken short in an unbalanced market. Down big big amounts due to leverage. Markets enticed with volatility then killed .
        Due to margin calls I am about 7-8% offside in Nasdaq. Feels like im buried right now .

        Yen carry trade looks done , it was mostly likely a one hit job on a summer sunday night. Its jackson hole and nvda earning now. Can we expect a 5-7% downside again in next 2-3 weeks

        • Guru:
          Jupiter is Gemini and retrograde Mercury can give wild swings. If you trade that heavily, you should think of putting hedges. We may get a few more wild swings, mostly to the downside, in my view, until September 15.
          Good luck.
          Raj Chadha

          • Well it isn’t boding well for me . Down about 55% on the month alone as I sized incorrectly and market was out of balance and got whacked in last 2 weeks.

            Is it possible like April 19 bearish call was actually over by April 18 and we ended May very bullish , your September call could be also over by 5 August bottom?

            Nvda is unlikely to disappoint and powell formally pivoted with no recession in sight apart from one off datapoint of August NFP. Its getting very challenging. Need about 8-10% downside on Nq without any higher from here. Challenging moment

            • Guru:
              I always suggest that you should not act solely on the basis of astrology. I always use technical analysis in addition to astrology. We are, after all, human beings. Our knowledge is limited. There can always be certain issues we miss or do not understand. After saying that, I still believe we can see some downside during Aug-Sep month.
              Raj Chadha

              • Things haven’t been working out as expected. QQQ has Been weaker than SPY, but it’s still struggling to go down and finding support at pre-August levels. 465 area

                We have a NFP jobs report this week and next week will be mostly about pricing for the FOMC meeting and then of course it’s the FOMC meeting. I am hanging in as I have no theta but at some point if price cant break lower I will have to protect myself. There was a shade of selling after NVDA but recovered all overnight.

                8-9% on QQQ looks hard right now but going longs doesn’t seem the way either.
                QQQ 434 seems far

                • Guru:
                  Yes, my forecast for this month is not panning out as expected. My ideas were based on Mars square Saturn. The planet Jupiter remained associated with Mars throughout this transit. Perhaps this combination of Mars and Jupiter lessened the effect of Mars sqaure Saturn. I now think the market may retreat until Septemeber 18, which will be a time to buy.
                  Good luck
                  Raj Chadha

                  • Thanks. I think tech didn’t react that well after earnings report snd we were trading 19000 on nasdaq. October usually is a month of bottoms. Hoping we get some downward pressure so I can rectify the big error I made during retrograde.

                    Two time we have had weak employment numbers April and July we have tanked a decent amount. You dont have a employment based recession nearby given we triggered Sahm rule and have been in a inverted yield curve for so long which is now about to disinvert

                    • Guru:
                      This year, I think we will have a bottom in September, most likely in the third week, or latest fourth week.
                      Good luck
                      Raj Chadha

                  • Major relief this week which basically reverted the rough squeeze we had after claims data from Thursday 8 Aug.

                    Still holding the position but plan to get out near FOMC. There is lot of uncertainty whether its 25bps vs 50bps.

                    Usually 2 weekly closes under key levels is a good breakdown signal. We closed under the march highs on NQ for second time. Hoping for another 2-3% to get out and reaccess. We failed to test year open in April selloff and Aug panic. 16800-900 area on nasdaq.

                    • Guru:
                      I think it will be wise to cover your shorts on or before Sept 18, which is the date my solar return month ends and the FED announces the rate cut.
                      Raj Chadha

                    • Got destroyed this week . I thought by monday ot Tuesday i would be able to exit around 1% lower but market wanted to kill bears . Awful feeling

                    • Guru:
                      Please use some technical analysis along with my website. Use hedges and don’t go overboard. Health is more important than money.
                      Raj Chadha

  5. Hi Raj,
    what is your view at the interest rates?
    I am invested in TNT, so could you please give an update about TNT and TMF both for short term and longer term.
    Thank you do much

    • Jan:
      My studies on interest rates are limited. In such a case, I would rely on technical or fundamental analysis. My personal view that, at the level of borrowed money by the U.S. government, it may not keep the interest rates so high for long term. Therefore investing in TLT may not be a bad idea at this time.
      Raj Chadha

  6. Dear Mr Raj,

    Middle East tension is building up and the DNC drama starting on Aug 19th. You have been warning us about the market correction, which seems to have already started. Could you kindly advise which week/weeks (range) are the roughest ? Appreciate your guidance and insights. Thank you

    • Prasad:
      After a bad market last week, I think it may try to reverse the direction this week. After that I continue to see tough days. They may be due to the political environment or mishanding of the interest rates by the Federal reserve or the state of the economy. I really do not feel safe until September 20. Let us see how things take shape.
      Raj Chadha


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