Aug 31 – Sep 04, 2020

A few weeks ago, I changed the format of this page. Instead of giving daily predictions, I am now writing about the shorter periods of the week. The basis is the compressed-vimshottri-dasha (CVD) planet in the monthly Solar return chart (mSRC).

My prediction last week was correct as SP500 gained nearly 100 points, as I was expecting a higher market. 

Here is the expected breakdown of the week of  August 31, 2020 – September 04, 2020.

The CVD planet for the period August 30 – September 03 is Rahu. Rahu is placed in the 6th house with no aspect from any benefic or malefic planet. This is not a good configuration and could result in a lower market.  

The CVD planet for the period September 04 -September 08 is Jupiter. Jupiter rules the 12th house and is situated in the 1st house in the sign Capricorn. Jupiter gets the influence of  Venus in the 7th house. This setup is good for the market and can result in higher values for the indexes.

Overall this week the S&P 500 may go LOWER, because the market may be down 4 days and up only 1 day.

The week after that may start with a higher day on September 08, 2020.


Note: This forecast is strictly based on astrological considerations. This is only for academic interest and not intended for trading.


3,793 thoughts on “Aug 31 – Sep 04, 2020”

    • Ganesha:
      In my view, PLTR may do good in 2025 also, but not to the extent of 2024. I sold my position, and waiting for it to come down a bit to repurchase.
      Raj Chadha

  1. Namaste Dr Raj

    Happy Diwali! I hope all is well on your end. Could you please provide feedback on SMCI? It seems there is a risk of delisting with the latest development of EY resigning as the auditor. Is there a chance of the stock recovering anytime?

    Thank you for your precious analysis!

    Hare Krishna

    • RK:
      Hare Krishna.
      Regarding SMCI, my view is that if it could survive until May 2025, it may rock again. But there is a real danger of collapse until then.
      Good luck
      Raj chadha

    • R:
      Yes, BMRN has not performed because the entire botech sector was out of favor. I still believe in this stock. I think 2025 may be good for this stock. I am holding.
      Raj Chadha

  2. Raj, Thank you for weekly updates and long term views.
    Any vedic astro forecast on ticker ‘TEAM’ short term and long term. It’s been up and down quite a bit recently.

    • Guru:
      I think the second week of November may bring a reasonable pullback, not a serious correction. I will let you know if I see something serious in December. So far, everything looks good to me.
      Raj Chadha

      • Hi Raj,
        Thanks for your input for getting a view about the possibility of the stock market’s trend.
        Do you think that in the 3rd week for November could be good for the stock market after this small correction at the 2nd week of november?

        • Tamas:
          My monthly analysis shows that we may go sideways between Nov 18 – Dec 18. It means that there will be ups and downs. If there is a correction in the second week of Nov, third week can be good.
          Raj Chadha

      • Mag 7 reported but apart from AMZN all had some or the other concern. MSFT guide was down . It was mixed. msft i have seen last year as well usually shows weakness first compared to qqq. Jobs were also revised down for Aug and Sep but yields remain higher ( maybe stagflation concern and trump win)

        We had a growth scare in aug sep along with japan carry trade unwind. With spx and ndx both up 20% ytd, what upside is left ?

        Coming week is huge for volatility. Tuesday election and Wednesday FOMC ( 25bps cut is a given) , also Iran thing isn’t dead. Any high confidence insights for next week and end of year

        • Guru:
          I got late in replying your email. Now the election is over. The market has zoomed past 6000. FOMC has cut rates by 25 bps. So there is nothing to reply for the next week.
          However, I see more advancement in the market towards the end of year.
          Good luck
          Raj Chadha

  3. Hello sir..
    i have looked at your chart for coinbase and tried to understand the tropical chart for ipo. I understand Sun is the major period here. Does it look good for 2025? Looking to invest . I see saturn going into ascendant in future being problematic. Thank you sir – your work is deepy admired

    • Liga:
      If I consider astrology only, 2025 looks good to me. Even better could be 2026 and 2027. However, the fundamentals do not align with my astrological analysis. I have been trading around the core this stock,, with great success. I will continue to do that.
      “Trading around the core” means I have a core of 100 shares, sell some when it goes up 10% and buy some when it falls by the same amount.
      Good luck
      Raj Chadha

  4. Good Morning Dr. Chadha,

    Was wondering if you might give an update on the charts of FUBO tv stock and Unity U? Thank you as always for your time.

    • Kiran:
      The time for FUBO may come in 2026 when the major period of Mars starts. Hopefully it survives during 2025.
      You may not have to wait that long for U. Its good dasha starts in March 2025. I will certainly wait for this one.
      Good luck
      Raj Chadha

  5. Hare Krishna Prabhu I hope your well.
    One quote from Jim Cramer I agree with theirs Bull market somewhere. 1)During the bearish market season how does astrology help us identify bull market sectors ? Recent example is tech in 2022 and energy performance in 2022
    2) Would you please share sectors which will outperform and underperform in 2025?
    Thank you once again for your service

    • Pawan:
      Hare Krishna:
      I really have been working on this topic for many years. I must say that I have not been able to get the correct answer. I will keep on working on this topic and get post on this website.
      Thank you for your support and reminding me.
      Raj Chadha

  6. Dear Raj,
    Appreciate and love your thoughts and insights as always.
    What’s your take on Iran Israel War in the next month and its effect on Crude Oil?


    • Nanda:
      I do a thorough research on any topic before saying anything. sofar, my research is focussed on the stocks and stock market. I, therefore, cannot give any astrological opinion on wars. But my heart is with Israel and Jews, as we Hindus have suffered at the hands of Islam for more than one thousand years. I do not want them or any country to do the have the same fate.
      Raj Chadha


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