Aug 31 – Sep 04, 2020

A few weeks ago, I changed the format of this page. Instead of giving daily predictions, I am now writing about the shorter periods of the week. The basis is the compressed-vimshottri-dasha (CVD) planet in the monthly Solar return chart (mSRC).

My prediction last week was correct as SP500 gained nearly 100 points, as I was expecting a higher market. 

Here is the expected breakdown of the week of  August 31, 2020 – September 04, 2020.

The CVD planet for the period August 30 – September 03 is Rahu. Rahu is placed in the 6th house with no aspect from any benefic or malefic planet. This is not a good configuration and could result in a lower market.  

The CVD planet for the period September 04 -September 08 is Jupiter. Jupiter rules the 12th house and is situated in the 1st house in the sign Capricorn. Jupiter gets the influence of  Venus in the 7th house. This setup is good for the market and can result in higher values for the indexes.

Overall this week the S&P 500 may go LOWER, because the market may be down 4 days and up only 1 day.

The week after that may start with a higher day on September 08, 2020.


Note: This forecast is strictly based on astrological considerations. This is only for academic interest and not intended for trading.


3,370 thoughts on “Aug 31 – Sep 04, 2020”

  1. Dr. Raj,
    how are you sir?? hope this dry, drought weather of california treating you nicely. i was watching Apple today- iphone sales UP, Ipads down,dividend up and big split. i remember you mentioning in your previous posts that split don’t mean a thing and as per your note on Apple chart you mentioned that till 2015 september we should NOT expect much great funfare in APPLE share !!!
    would you mind writing your mind sir, i respect your opinion and certainly would like to read your comments.
    thanks as always and much obliged,

    • Vic:

      AAPL has finally started to move. I still believe 2015 would be a better time for AAPL. I am holding it since 2012. You decide for yourself.



  2. Dear Rajji;

    Do you believe the market have turned to upside (bias) from yesterday (4/15/2014) ?

    Very much appreciate your thoughts.


  3. excellent prediction over the last week Raj- well done sir.
    I wanted to ask you something. Jupiter is a malefic in the chart you prepared for the USA. It becomes exalted in july as it enters cancer aspecting the the ascendant though aspected by Saturn too. Is not that a negative influence on the s and p? Please comment on this issue , though also rahu moves into virgo.
    kindest regards

    • Thanks Sanjay. I agree Jupiter in Cancer and Rahu in Virgo can cause trouble for the market, but only when they are in certain longitude range.


  4. Dear Rajji,

    I am really amazed with your prediction of last few days. What are your thoughts about FEYE and SPLK?


    • Manish:
      Thanks for the nice comments. If you look at my “Tracking of Forecast” blog, you will notice that I could be wrong also sometimes. But I try continuously to improve the predictability of the market.

      I am not buying anything until the end of April.



    • Manish:
      Thanks for the nice comments. If you look at my “Tracking of Forecast” blog, you will notice that I could be wrong also sometimes. But I try continuously to improve the predictability of the market.

      I am not buying anything until the end of April.



  5. Dear Dr Raj,

    I am interested in knowing your opinion on Google after the recent stock split ( GOOG & GOOGL ) from an astrological perspective. Thanks in advance.

  6. Sir

    Thanks for your feedback on FB and FNMA. I am also thinking about initiating position in DRN. What is your opinion based on astro charts?

    • Manish:

      DRN is an ETF. It will behave as its constituent stocks will behave. Therefore Astrology cannot answer your question.


  7. Sir,

    What are your thoughts on FB and FNMA? I never thought stocks have their own astro charts. It is really interesting.

    • Manish:

      Many astrologers have studied connections between the IPO charts and performance of the stocks and found good correlation between the two.

      In my view FB is a long term winner.
      FNMA is a big risk. There is a battle between some big investors and government now. I see a big potential if one can hold it for a few years. I myself have a small position in FMCC.


  8. Dear Raj

    Just wondering that these ancient vedic hindu techniques you are using to predict the S&P and various stocks, can they also be used to predict
    FOREX? for e.g. EUR/USD and GBP/USD?

    Kind regards
    Mitesh (London)

    • Mitesh:

      I have not done any study on currencies. So I cannot help you. But I am sure you need dependable charts of countries to see the relative strengths of their currencies. It is very difficult to get the definitive charts of countries.


  9. Dr. Raj,

    hope SanDiego weather is treating nicely;
    today i was thinking your words about telling somebody to wait for TWTR to come down price wise about where it is right now???

    seems like all social media stocks are having a rough week or two as FED is withdrawing free printed money

    as always i respect your opinion and wisdom please take that as complement from an elderly 70+ yr old man who reads your blog every week


    • Vick:

      As I indicated on the website, I see some danger in April, although it looks like that the correction started a little early. I am therefore not buying anything until the end of April.

      Good luck.



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