June 03 – 07, 2024

The S&P500 lost 27 points last week. I was expecting a higher market. However, it was very volatile, as expected,

Here is the expected breakdown for the week of  June 03, 2024, to June 07, 2024.

The compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for  June 01 – June 04 is Saturn. Saturn occupies the 7th house in the sign, Pisces. It rules the sixth house and gets the aspect of the Moon present in the first house. Saturn generally makes stocks go lower. But since Moon, the ruler of the eleventh house, aspects it from the ascendant, it may give good results. As a result, the market may go slightly higher.

The compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for  June 06 – June 09 is Mercury. Mercury rules the 1st house and occupies the 9th house in the sign, Taurus. No planets conjuncts or aspects it. Therefore, Mercury may give neutral or slightly positive results. As a result, the market may go slightly higher during this period.

Transits during this week:  Jupiter moves into the sign Gemini while Uranus continues to transit through Taurus during this week. Rahu is transiting in Aries and Ketu in Libra. Venus is now advancing in Gemini, but its proximity to the Sun combusts it. Mercury also moves into Gemini. This is a positive feature. Saturn and Neptune are well established in Pisces. Mars continues strongly in the sign Aries and has gone past Rahu. The moon moves in Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer. The Moon moves through the 12th Tithi of the dark half to the 1st Tithi of the bright half. The Moon gives good results in these signs and these Tithis. Combining the transit and CVD techniques, the following is my estimate of the daily behavior of the stock market.

Monday: Slightly higher; Tuesday: Slightly higher;   Wednesday: Higher;   Thursday: Slightly lower;   Friday: Flat

Overall, the S&P500 may go higher during this week.

2 thoughts on “June 03 – 07, 2024”

  1. Hello Raj

    Hope you are doing great.
    Please when you have a moment could you share your monthly gold and bitcoin
    Many thanks, James


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