May 27 – May 31, 2024

The S&P500 gained 1 point last week. I was expecting a higher market. However, it was very volatile, as expected,

Here is the expected breakdown for the week of  May 27, 2024, to May 31, 2024.

The compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for  May 23 – May 27 is Rahu. As mentioned above, Rahu occupies the 8th house in the sign, Aries along with Mars. Rahu generally makes stocks higher. Since it sits close to Mars, may be very volatile. As a result, the market may go slightly higher with a lot of volatility.

The compressed Vimshottri dasha planet for  May 28 – May 31 is Jupiter. Jupyter rules the 4th house and occupies the 9th house in the sign, Taurus. Saturn aspects it from the 7th house. The planet, the Sun in the ninth house combusts it. Therefore, Jupiter may not be able to give its beneficial results strongly. As a result, the market may go slightly higher during this period.

Transits during this week:  Jupiter moves into the sign Gemini while Uranus continues to transit through Taurus during this week. Rahu is transiting in Aries and Ketu in Libra. Venus is now advancing in Gemini, but its proximity to the Sun combusts it. Mercury advances in Taurus. Thus Venus and Mercury are transiting in each other’s signs. This is a positive feature. Saturn and Neptune are well established in Pisces. Mars continues strongly in the sign Aries and has gone past Rahu. The moon moves in Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. The Moon moves through the 5th Tithi of the dark half to the 9th Tithi of the dark half. The Moon gives mixed results in these signs and these Tithis. Combining the transit and CVD techniques, the following is my estimate of the daily behavior of the stock market.

Monday: Closed; Tuesday: Slightly higher;   Wednesday: Flat;   Thursday: Slightly higher;   Friday: Slightly higher

Overall, the S&P500 may go higher during this week.

2 thoughts on “May 27 – May 31, 2024”

  1. Hello Raj, thank you for the research and your effort.
    I suspect tue, wed, fri you have correct. However thursday, please consider this post from another source, i can provide his name, its a new source, i have only 2 weeks back data, however he seems to have been on twitter for sometime.

    I appreciate you have a different system. Just sharing to consider.
    The moon in aquarius, not supportive of stocks. May witness sharp drop. Shat-tara nakshatra not supportive. One important yog occurs 28th involving mercury and saturn could be trend changer, also a malefic yog appears and could create 2-3% drop.
    Another source for after close of 30 May: Pluto parallel US pluto

    • James:
      It is my experience that if I start looking at other astrologers, I get influenced by their thoughts, and jeopardize my conclusions. I, therefore, generally do not look at the views of other financial astrologers. But if somebody has a good long-term record, I do not mind looking at his point of view. So, you may forward his information.
      I am sure you know that I do not include Pluto in my studies at all because I get sufficiently good results without it.
      Thanks for your analysis of my daily and weekly forecasts.
      Raj Chadha


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