A few weeks ago, I changed the format of this page. Instead of giving daily predictions, I am now writing about the shorter periods of the week. The basis is the compressed-vimshottri-dasha (CVD) planet in the monthly Solar return chart (mSRC).
My prediction last week was correct as SP500 gained nearly 100 points, as I was expecting a higher market.
Here is the expected breakdown of the week of August 31, 2020 – September 04, 2020.
The CVD planet for the period August 30 – September 03 is Rahu. Rahu is placed in the 6th house with no aspect from any benefic or malefic planet. This is not a good configuration and could result in a lower market.
The CVD planet for the period September 04 -September 08 is Jupiter. Jupiter rules the 12th house and is situated in the 1st house in the sign Capricorn. Jupiter gets the influence of Venus in the 7th house. This setup is good for the market and can result in higher values for the indexes.
Overall this week the S&P 500 may go LOWER, because the market may be down 4 days and up only 1 day.
The week after that may start with a higher day on September 08, 2020.
Note: This forecast is strictly based on astrological considerations. This is only for academic interest and not intended for trading.
Hare krishna prabhu,
Thanks a lot for your service being your premium subscriber does help me in making decisions. I have few questions in a single post.
I would like to know your thoughts on
1) OXY (or any other energy companies) that have favorable transit period till end of 2025? Brent Crude has found resistanance $70/ barrel.
2) Elon Musk seems to be public backlash lately I would like to know your take on it based on his horoscope and your prediction on Tesla stock prices ?
3) What is your prediction for Gold prices for the remainder of 2025? If possible, please provide a quarter-by-quarter forecast? We have hit $3000 much earlier than anticipated.
4) Nasdaq has likely bottomed out after the recent correction. I’d like to know what the outlook is from here for reminder of the year.
Thank you
Thank you for your unwavering support. Here are my answers to your questions.
1. I am not a fan of OXY until June 2027 when its 6-year Venus period will start. If you want to own it, buy BRKB. OXY is a major part of BRKB.
2. Elon is going through a major period of Jupiter, which is retrograde in his chart. He would, therefore undergo periods of uncertainty and lashouts. I think he will emerge as a winner when transit Jupiter moves into the sign of Cancer this June.
3. Gold touched 3000 sooner than I predicted. It is possible that it may go sideways for a few quarters before rising again.
4. If you look at the chart I Posted on the front page of my website, it is possible that SPX pr NDX move in a range until August, before they breakout to new highs.
Good luck
Raj Chadha